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6/10/2020 - LUTF organizes a charity day to support people affected by the Beirut Port Blast

The Lebanese University Task Force (LUTF), in cooperation with a number of partners, organized a charity day to support families affected by the Beirut Port blast, on 3 October 2020 at the “École Immaculée-Conception” in Beirut.


The charity day was held under the slogan “Give what you can and take what you need” with the participation of the Lebanese Red Cross, Makhzoumi Foundation, Cedars for Care, Sada Ahalina Association, Mounadiloun Lb, and Beit Al Baraka and Habbat El Baraka Associations.


A group of institutions provided modest assistance to those affected, including food, baby milk, clothes and shoes, while volunteers played a responsible role in implementing public safety standards and social distancing and facilitating the entry and exit of visitors.


This day was accomplished after a week of continuous preparation in LUTF in cooperation with all partners and after more than 45 days had passed since the start of the relief work in which the unit participated.








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