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Concours d'entrée aux différentes facultés pour l'année académique 2023-2024
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13/10/2020 - A team from the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences assist people of the Beirut Port Blast to preserve their personal belongings

In order to preserve Beirut’s memory and heritage, and believing in the importance of the relationship between the people and their belongings, a scientific team of professors and students from the Department of Arts & Archeology at the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (Branch 2) launched an initiative aimed at preserving household belongings that were damaged by the blast.


The mission of the team working under the supervision of Dr. Grace El Homsi, Head of the Department, focuses on helping people in preserving their books, pictures and artifacts by providing first aid assistance (Dust-Clean-Pack).


This volunteer initiative of the Lebanese University takes into account the professional standards, as the work of the team is divided between making an inventory of parts chosen by the owner, removing dust, cleaning, and packaging with materials that respect the rules of preventive preservation.






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