The scientific journal "MDPI foods" published a scientific article by Marwa Ramal, a PhD student at the Lebanese University, on the antibacterial and antifungal activity of aromatic and natural plant extracts.
Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Cimbopogon winterianus and Origanum syriacum Extracts and Essential Oils against Uropathogenic Bacteria and Foodborne Fungal Isolates.
The article describes the effect of essential oils on certain bacteria and fungi, and the antibiotic activities were assessed through biofilm antibody assays.
The article is part of Rammal's PhD research in Agricultural Engineering at the DSST/Lebanese University in partnership with Beirut Arab University under the supervision of Dr. Chaden Haidar from LAU and Dr. Mohammad Dakdouki and Dr. Mahmoud Khalil from BAU.
Rammal is collaborating with engineers Salam Khrais and Malak Mezher from the laboratories of the Faculty of Agronomy at the Lebanese University.