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  University Strategy   - Scientific Research Strategy
According to Article One of the University Law 75/67, there are centers for scientific and literary research to instill human values in citizens. The university’s vision is scientific and patriotic at once. How could it not be, housing around half of university students in its faculties all over Lebanon?

The University also plays a development role, directly linked to human sciences and knowledge. Scientific research is important because it is one of the tools to achieve development nowadays, and helps accumulate knowledge and study the problems in different domains of life to find scientific solutions for them. After all, universities are an integral part of society, established to advance it and create a link between all society components.

It also helps secure a place for society in a competitive world that is changing and developing at an overwhelming pace. Scientific research is among the most important means for the professional development of the academic staff as it improves learning and high-quality progress. When professors carry out research at the university level, they gain more knowledge and enhance their scientific and teaching skills thanks to their receptiveness of scientific updates and breakthroughs. This reflects positively on their teaching performance, teaching tools, course material and level of theses and dissertations.

Hence, our university strives to strengthening ties with society by driving scientific research to reach high-quality scientific results that suit the job market and link scientific research topics and subjects to the needs of community institutions. The university should localize scientific research and participate in qualitative, independent research, all while opening up to foreign sciences, knowledge and state-of-the-art technologies.

The strategic objectives in this regard are: closely linking higher education with research at all levels, localizing IT, promoting scientific and literary publications, translating modern heritage, and delving into the studies of the epistemological heritage of the Arabic language… In this case, it is critical that we establish an organizational structure for scientific research, set a unified budget, assign research professors within research groups in faculty laboratories in accordance with integration standards for majors and practical experience, and develop communication and cooperation means and mechanisms with governmental and civil institutions, including production, education and health sectors, as well as with learning institutions abroad.

At the organizational level, there are three PhD colleges established in 2007 for PhD management. They are currently supervising two projects to support research submitted by faculty members and three platforms for research services in science and technology. In addition to that, we need:
  1. A central body responsible for managing (planning, supervising, motivating, evaluating, documenting) the process of scientific research at the university level. The body will be working under the supervision of the university and its council, following relevant legislations.
  2. Defining the structure of managing scientific research in unified applied faculties, and faculties with branches.

At the executive level, the university recently launched three new programs to support scientific research in 2012:
  1. A support program for applied research in the Lebanese society, including managing natural resources and wise consumption thereof, developing human resources, and advancing education, teaching, communications, media, the economy, the modern state, citizenship and international relations…
  2. A support program for innovative and development research that may be applied and practically used in the domain of major sciences. This program requires that the researcher provides a technological model.
  3. A program for driving research centers in colleges and institutes, some of which are found at the Faculties of Law, Political and Administrative Sciences, Social Sciences, and Pedagogy. Some centers are still under construction.

There are also two current support programs (support program for individual research and support program for forming research teams) which need evaluation for improvement, development and redefinition of their objectives as part of a comprehensive plan to encourage scientific research at the University.
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