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Circular No. 9 amending the registration fee for LU students at the NSSF

Following the publication of Decree No. 13614 dated 5/4/2024 concerning the setting of the official minimum wage for employees and workers subject to the Labor Law and the cost-of-living rate, and based on Circular No. 754 dated 4/24/2024 issued by the National Social Security Fund concerning the application of the provisions of the aforementioned Decree, which set the value of the annual contribution for university students for the sickness and maternity section and for each beneficiary on his or her behalf at 5,400,000 Lebanese pounds as of 1/4/2024, consequently all university faculties and branches are requested to amend the social security contribution for students receiving services at the National Social Security Fund in accordance with the above.


Beyrouth, 14 June 2024

President of the Lebanese University

Bassam Badran





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