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مباراة الدخول
مباراة الدخول إلى مختلف الكليات للعام الجامعي 2023 - 2024
الدعم - معلوماتية 
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+ التفاصيل
Hult prize competition

Hult Prize is one of the most important students’ competitions worldwide. Each year, the Hult Prize Foundation declares a challenge and mobilizes students from around the world to solve it. This year, Hult Prize’s concerns are directed towards Youth Unemployment and the challenge is to create a venture that provides 10,000 meaningful jobs for youth in the next decade. A panel of judges will be selecting the top 3 teams, so we need you to be many to encourage all the contestants. See you there


Place: Lebanese University – Faculty of Engineering, Branch 2, Amphitheater Bloc A

Date: Wednesday 13th February 2019 at 12:00



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مجلة الجامعة اللبنانية
المشاريع الخارجية
روابط مفيدة
المواصفات الفنية للتجهيزات واللوازم
بريد إلكتروني
المسؤولون عن المحتوى
مساعدة الكترونية
شروط التسجيل العامة
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