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Concours d'entrée
Concours d'entrée aux différentes facultés pour l'année académique 2023-2024
Support - Informatique 
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Centre MINE: Maharat min Google - برنامج مهارات من غوغل -


Centre MINE in collaboration with Injaz Lebanon, launched Maharat from Google program for all students between 16 and 35 years old. It’s a 2.5 hours program, all about digital marketing delivered in Arabic via Zoom (online), for all backgrounds.


We all know the importance of the digital marketing world, specially these days, therefore it’s important to understand how to use it for our benefit. This program targets all backgrounds, since it is made for each learner to study step by step and understand every corner of the digital marketing field.


Maharat Min Google is an initiative that focuses on the effective usage of the internet. It aims to help young people be ready for future job opportunities, advance in their careers, and/or grow their businesses online. The program is developed by Google in Arabic and has both an online and offline component. This program is focused on the offline part giving the students insights on how to develop their online presence, advertise, be noticed online, build their business online and know more about what digital jobs are available in the market.


It's a 2.5 hours program


العالم الرقمي في متناول يديك


يوفّر برنامج "مهارات من Google" دورات تدريبية مرنة ومخصّصة لتزويدك بالمهارات الرقمية اللازمة لمساعدتك على تنمية مسارك الوظيفي أو نشاطك التجاري بالوتيرة التي تناسبك.


تحسين مهاراتك في المجال الرقمي


التعرّف على أدوات تساعد في نمو نشاطك التجاري


التحضير للدخول في المسار المهني الذي تريده


مدة الدورة : 2.5 ساعة

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