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Concours d'entrée
Concours d'entrée aux différentes facultés pour l'année académique 2023-2024
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دراسة استقصائيَّة في إطار مشروع E-TALEB ( glossary of terms )


Dear Faculty member, 

is a co-funded project by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. E-TALEB stands for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Lebanese Universities. It aims at promoting Teaching and Learning at Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) in Lebanon. The first activity of this project is to carry out a “Needs Assessment” study. Thus, we are undertaking a faculty survey in HEI’s to find out about current ways of learning and teaching, and to make some suggestions about the type of training (professional development) that faculty might benefit from in the future. 

This questionnaire is completely anonymous and voluntary; your name will not be used in any way or form. The gathered data will be used in aggregate form and no link will be done to you or to the institution at which you teach and work. The results will be used to inform decision making in promoting Teaching & Learning at Lebanese Higher Education Institutions. The target audience is faculty members. We would very much appreciate it if you immediately click on the following link and proceed in entering your input: https://www.esurveycreator.com/s/2d75995

Please provide your input by June 10, 2016. 

You can find attached a glossary of some of the terms used in the survey. 

To learn more about this project and its work packages, please visit the project's website at: www.etaleb.org.  

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the project team by sending an email to info@etaleb.org 

Thank you very much for your time. 

Dr. Ahmad JAMMAL

Director General of Higher Education

Ministry of Education & Higher Education - Lebanon


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