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4/3/2019 - The Institute of Social Sciences organized a scientific conference entitled “Children & Adolescents in a Changing Society - What Standards?”


Under the patronage and in presence of the President of the Lebanese University, Professor Fouad Ayoub, the Research Center - Laboratory of Social Psychology at the Institute of Social Sciences organized a scientific conference entitled: “Children & Adolescents in a Changing Society - What Standards?”, supervised by Dr. Rajaa Makki.


The conference, which coincided with the Institute’s 60th Anniversary, was attended by Mona Ofeich, Minister of State, Dr. Marlene Haydar, Dean of the Institute, Professor Herve Sabourin, Regional Director of the Middle East Office of the French University Agency, Dr. Rita Al-Shabab, Vice President of the Lebanese Syndicate of Psychotherapists and Psychoanalysts (SPP), Dr. Maha Kayyal, Head of the Research Center at the Institute, Prof. Zeinab Saad, Head of International Relations Office at the Lebanese University, Mrs. Rafqa Maalouf Ghazal, representing the Mayor of Sin El-Fil Nabil Kahaleh, and a number of deans, directors, professors, and representatives of associations and civil society organizations.


Dr. Hoda Dagher, “Espace Analytique” Representative in Lebanon, noted that establishing a psychoanalytic association in Lebanon is a real challenge in a society where most people prefer lighter, faster treatments that have benefits in improving symptoms.


Dr. Rita Al-Shabab considered that the profession of psychotherapy in Lebanon needs reassuring and steady assistance for those seeking treatment and for people in training, stressing the need to protect the profession and ensure the rights of the psychiatrist and patients.


Dr. Maha Kayyal spoke on the subsequent change in the social environment in which we live due to technological development and globalized cultural openness.


Dr. Marlene Haydar considered that what we face today in terms of social, cultural and economic problems predicts that tomorrow will be more difficult, but at the same time she emphasized that social sciences, in both their cognitive and professional parts, promise a sustainable future, especially as we are now thinking about society and its needs and generating its energies to preserve for the children of tomorrow an environment worthy of them.


Prof. Fouad Ayoub concluded the conference stressing that Psychotherapy Law and other laws should be initiated from the Lebanese University. He welcomed the efforts made by the Ministry of Public Health to legalize the profession and enforce standards for practicing it, and requested to involve all sectors, especially the Lebanese University in this regard.














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