Hasan Ismail, a graduate of the Lebanese University - Faculty of Engineering (Branch 3 - Civil Engineering), was awarded “Best Graduation Project” (Master 2018-2019) in Brussels for his project entitled “Experimental and numerical characterization of the structural behavior of sandwich plates”, according to the classification of the jury representing two Belgian universities.
Under an agreement between the Lebanese University - Faculty of Engineering and the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Hasan completed his fourth and fifth years in Civil Engineering and submitted a graduation project introducing a new technology to isolate household walls.
Hasan who is distinguished in his specialization, was selected by the Belgian engineering company, “Ney & Partners”, as part of the team of skilled engineers specialized in the field of construction engineering, infrastructure and bridges.
“Ney & Partners” gained international reputation in designing bridges, infrastructure, towers and other projects related to civil engineering development.