The ISO external audit committee granted the National Center for the Quality of Medicine, Food, Water and Chemicals of the Lebanese University the ISO 9001:2015 certificate with distinction, according to ISO international standards. The committee praised the accuracy of the quality system in the laboratory of microbiological analysis, which aims to examine samples of food and water and detect microbiological contaminants, achieving a maximum assurance of the test results’ quality and ensuring high performance of the Center services.
Professor Nazih Bou Chahine
The Director of the Center, Professor Nazih Bou Chahine, announced that, "after an effort and consistency of preparation and hard work of the administrative and technical staff, the Center received this certificate, which gives confidence to its role.” Bou Chahine added, “Following the agreement concluded between the Ministry of Public Health and the Center in 2016-2017, the Center became accredited by the Litani River Authority and the Federation of Southern Suburbs Municipalities to conduct the required analysis”.
The Director of the Center also prepared a draft agreement with the Ministry of Economy & Trade to be signed with the Lebanese University after the New Year's holiday. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Lebanese University will carry out analysis in the same manner as the Agreement concluded with the Ministry of Public Health.
The National Center for the Quality of Medicine, Food, Water and Chemicals became one of the leading centers with national reference to quality standards for analysis. The Center provides professional and accurate technical services to public and private institutions because of its highly qualified personnel and expertise and the latest equipment of laboratory analysis. Those qualities benefit the internal and external environment of the Center. Thus, the mere mention of the name of the National Center for the Quality of Medicine, Food, Water and Chemicals became linked to confidence, excellence, quality and leadership.