President of the University
Professor Bassam Badran
Office of Communication & Information
يتولى المكتب الاعلامي الاهتمام بالاعلان عن كافة نشاطات الجامعة
+961 1 612 628
General Secretary of the University
Iman Soubra |
General Secretary of the University Council
Prepares the files for submission to the University Council, the draft meeting agenda of the Council and the procedures to implement the Council decisions.
It also follows up the implementation of the University Council decisions, the organization of the University events, the provision of the University Council archives and communication of the University Council decisions to the competent authorities.
Moubarakeh Tanios |
Office of Legal Affairs
Prepares and provides legal advice on the draft laws and regulatory decrees, draft contracts and other agreements, at the request of the competent authority.
It also follows up the University proceedings pending before the law in coordination with the University attorneys.
Office of Statistics Data Management
Develops statistical data on various University affairs, namely related to teaching, administrative and technical staff, students and their examinations.
It also issues annual or periodic statistical bulletins, consolidates and develops statistical data in various units, and follows up other statistical matters.
Office of Library Management
Supervises all administrative and technical affairs of the Central Administration Library, ensures the standardization of work methods in various university libraries, and coordinates communication with the most important international libraries and publishing houses to obtain data on available books and manuscripts for dissemination on the libraries of the University branches.
It also prepares procurement transactions, registers books and periodicals upon receipt, performs indexing, coordination, documentation and numbering, supervises loan affairs and performs an inventory of the assets of the faculty libraries in all branches, as needed.
Office of Publications
Prepares contract projects related to the University publications and prints, distributes and markets such publications (the University Magazine, the University Guide, and the faculty magazines).
It also develops a timely annual financial statement with the sales of the University publications in the financial system to study the draft budget, settles the sale of the University publications within one week from their due date to be included in the University income according to the financial system and supervises the Office archives.
Alexi Makhoul |
Office of Social Security
Fadel Komeyha |
Common Administrative Management
Handles all paperwork, prepares the draft memorandum, circulars and necessary decisions, follows up the University matters at the Cooperative Government Employees and maintains the register of complaints, and all clerical works.
It also manages the University final archives, provides suggestions for the development and standardization of archiving methods in various units, and performs numbering and reporting of resolutions, memorandum and circulars.
Zeina Azzi |
Office of the Common Administrative Management
Office of Human Resources
Prepares the transactions of all University staff and the administrative functions related to the recruitment exams, employment, classification, training and other personal affairs.
It also organizes and maintains original documents belonging to the teaching, administrative and technical staff.
Farihan Toska |
Office of Facility Equipment
Prepares and administratively follows up the requirements of tenders, auctions, bid proposals and agreements executed by the University, secures the procurement of the Central Administration and joint procurement, and follows up the work of the committees responsible of pricing, maintenance, guarding, cleaning, lighting, heating and communications.
It also enjoys the authorities and functions set forth in the Financial Regulations and warehouse affairs (receipt, delivery and distribution of materials to the Central Administration and University branches).
Office of Financial Affairs
Assumes the authorities stipulated in Decree No. 14246 dated 14/4/1970 and its amendments (Financial Regulations of the Lebanese University).
The Department Head issues and signs remittances, handles all financial transactions from preparation, study, audit, finalization, registration, liquidation and disbursement before submission to the Head of Office.
Abdallah Chamas |
Office of Main Accountancy
- يعهد بمهمة محتسب رئيسي الى احد موظفي الفئة الثالثة في الادارة المعنية الحائزين على إجازة في ادارة الاعمال او في المعلوماتية او على الامتياز الفني – فرع المراجعة والخبرة في المحاسبة الذين شغلوا وظيفة مالية من الفئة الثالثة لمدة خمس سنوات على الاقل.
- يتولى المحتسب الرئيسي عمليات محاسبة المواد ويتولى مسك قيود المواد وتوحيدها على نطاق الادارة الواحدة.
- يخضع المحتسب الرئيسي والموظفون التابعون له من محتسبين قانونيين مؤتمنين لمراقبة ديوان المحاسبة والتفتيش المركزي.
Hania Alameddine |
Main Accountancy
Assumes the authorities stipulated in Decree No. 14246 dated 14/4/1970 and its amendments (Financial Regulations of the Lebanese University).
The Department Head studies, audits and records financial transactions before submission to the Head of the Main Accountancy, supervises the maintenance of its transactions, accounting affairs and registration and consolidation of entries at the administrative level.
Veronique Issa |
Information Resources Center
Department of Network Operations
01/612606, ext 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 111
Department of Web & Business Applications Development
01/612606, ext 112, 113, 114, 115
Department of Integration and Development of Centralized Applications
01/612983, 01/612984