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Circular No. 6 announcing the start of accepting applications for research program support submitted by LU teaching staff for 2024

The Lebanese University announces the start of the accepting applications for research program support submitted by teaching staff members for 2024. The announcement includes three support programs as follows:


1.     The general program of support for basic research submitted by faculty members: This is designed to support research projects and theoretical and applied studies in areas determined by the academic faculties in line with their educational and research needs.

2.     The Societal Research Support Program: aims to support applied research that addresses vital and pressing issues in society in cooperation with the private and public sectors, and whose results play a positive role in problem-solving and the development of society.

3.     The innovation and development research support program aims to support development and innovation research that can be applied and invested in practice within a limited timeframe. The researcher must be close to obtaining a prototype. The program also supports research in the basic sciences, provided it raises an advanced problem that constitutes a distinctive cognitive addition to its field.


These programs meet the operational needs of the project, the requirements for consumables and small equipment to complement the research laboratories of faculties and institutes, and the costs of using shared research service platforms.


Professors wishing to submit a request for support for a research project under one of these programs must prepare an application using the standard form available on the website (


Applications are submitted via the faculties' research centers and research departments, and in administrative order to the Secretariat of the University Presidency within the Central Administration.


An electronic copy in both formats (PDF, Word) is also sent by e-mail to the address ( by a deadline ending July 21, 2024 (final deadline which cannot be extended).


Beirut, 13 June 2024

President Bassam Badran



Request for support for a research project for the year 2024


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