Section 1
1. Occupational therapy
2. Nursing
3. Laboratory Sciences
4. Nutrition and Dietetics
5. Nursing Sciences
6. Optics and Optometry
7. Physiotherapy
8. Radiologic Sciences
9. Midwifery
10. Medico-Social Work
Section 2
1. Sciences Infirmières
2. Sciences de Laboratoire
3. Nutrition and Dietetics
4. Orthophonie
5. Physiothérapie
6. Psychomotricité
7. Sage-Femme
8. Speech Therapy
9. Travail Medico-Social
Section 3
1. Sciences Infirmières
2. Sciences de Laboratoire
3. Nutrition et Diététique
4. Nursing Sciences
5. Physiothérapie
6. Sciences Radiologiques
7. Santé et Environnement
8. Sage-Femme
9. Travail Medico-Social
Section 4
1. Sciences Infirmières
2. Sciences de Laboratoire
3. Nursing Sciences
4. Orthophonie
5. Physical Therapy
6. Sciences Radiologiques
7. Sage-Femme
8. Travail Medico-Social
9. Medical and Scocial Work
Section 5
1. Sciences Infirmières
2. Sciences de Laboratoire
3. Nursing Sciences
4. Orthophonie
5. Physiothérapie
6. Sciences Radiologiques
7. Sage-Femme
8. Travail Médico-Social
Section 6
1. Sciences Infirmières
2. Nursing Sciences
3. Physical Therapy
4. Medical and Social Work
Section 6 – Antenne de Rachayya
1. Nursing Sciences
2. Midwifery