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نشرة إخبارية

القبول والتسجيل
2024 - 2025
الدعم - معلوماتية 
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Call for applications for M1 and M2 internships offered by IETR - France

IETR, an academic research laboratory of excellence in electronic and digital technologies, offers numerous internships for Master 2 students in the following areas


·       Waves (Hyperfrequencies, Antennas, wave propagation, EMC, Bioelectromagnetics, radars)

·       Networks, Signal, and Images (Communication systems, Digital infrastructures, Signal, Images, Artificial Intelligence)

·       Microelectronics, Materials, and Components (Micro-technologies, materials and processes, transducers, sensors, and instrumentations)

·       Architecture and Embedded Electronics (Artificial Intelligence and Embedded Systems, Wireless Bioelectronics)

·       Cybersecurity

·       Energy and Automation (energy networks, control systems, actuators)


The list of internships is available at the following address:


English version

M1 and M2 internship subjects | Institut d'Électronique et des Technologies du numéRique


French version

Les sujets de stage M1 et M2 | Institut d'Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique



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