Under the patronage of the Minister of State for Information Technology, Adel Afiouni, and in the presence of the President of the Lebanese University, Prof. Fouad Ayoub, the Lebanese Information Technology Association (LITA), in cooperation with the Lebanese University - Doctoral School of Law, Political, Administrative & Economic Sciences, organized on 26 February 2019 a seminar on “Protecting the Future - Building a National Strategy for Cybersecurity”.
The seminar was attended by MP Nadim Gemayel, Chairman of the Information and Technology Parliamentary Committee, Ambassador Abdel Rahman Solh, Arab League Representative, Dr. Antoine Atallah, Dean of the Doctoral School, in addition to judicial and academic figures, lawyers and representatives from the public and private sectors and civil society.
The Advisor to Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Ms. Lina Oueidat and the Rapporteur of the National Committee for the Development of a Cyber Security Strategy intervened during the seminar. The seminar witnessed the participation of Mr. Youssef Al-Sebaawi, Representative of Arab Center of Legal and Judicial Studies of the Arab League, Ayman Elsherbiny, representative of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, and Mrs. Mona Al-achkar Jabbour, LITA President.