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The Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences is organizing an essay competition on the poetry of Jawdat R. Haydar

The English Language and Literature department Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Lebanese University announces an essay competition among university students on the poetry of Jawdat R. Haydar.

Participants reflect on one of Haydar’s poems from 101 selected poems how it relates to their past experiences or current feelings in an essay of 800-1000 words in English.


Submit the following to the email address: ynroula@ul.edu.lb


* your name by the end of February 2022 and you’ll receive the book 101 Selected Poems electronically. You can access information about the poet and his work at http://www.jawdatrhaydar.org/

* your essay with your name, email address and university electronically by the end of May 2022.


Contestants will participate in an event commemorating

Jawdat R. Haydar’s life and words on June 20, 2022


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مجلة الجامعة اللبنانية
المشاريع الخارجية
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المواصفات الفنية للتجهيزات واللوازم
بريد إلكتروني
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مساعدة الكترونية
شروط التسجيل العامة
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