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30/5/2020 - The Lebanese University delivers two medical devices to Zahle Public Hospital



The Lebanese University (LU) delivered two medical devices to Zahle Public Hospital on 30 May 2020, including a ventilator and a robot designed by students of the Faculty of Science (Branches 1 and 4).


The devices were handed over in the presence of Prof. Fouad Ayoub, LU President, Dr. Hamad Hassan, Minister of Health, Dr. Imad Hoballah, Minister of Industry, Dr. Ghada Chreim, Minister of the Displaced, Mr. Abbas Mortada, Minister of Agriculture & Culture, MPs Salim Aoun, Mohammad Qarawi, and Assem Araji, Dr. Nicolas Maakaroun, Director General of Zahle Public Hospital, and Dr. Ghassan Zalaket, Head of Public Health District, Bekaa.


The Lebanese University was also represented by Prof. Bassam Badran, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr. Joseph Wassaf, Director of the Faculty (Branch 4), Prof. Adib Abou Chaaya and Bassem Haidar, in addition to the students, Majd Dhainy, Hadi Zein al-Din, Hassan Badran and Sami Chamseddine.


President Ayoub stressed the importance of the devices in protecting medical personnel and reducing the transmission of coronavirus, highlighting the university’s cooperation with all ministries and thanking "MBI Al Jaber Foundation" for its contribution to the manufacture of the robot.


President Ayoub also revealed that the University Council has taken a new decision regarding the construction of new university campuses in various regions, including Baalbek-Hermel, announcing that the French Development Agency (AFD) will start the construction of the Baalbek-Hermel University Campus as soon as the works on Zahle University Campus is completed. He pointed out that Zahle University Campus was due in 2023, however, the work has been delayed because of COVID-19, despite being at an advanced phase.


Minister Hassan insisted on the importance of facial masks, which is one of the bases for a safe return to normal life. He considered that the achievements of the LU students are of great importance, given the need for such devices. He said that the efficiency of the medical staff enabled Lebanon to record one of the lowest numbers in terms of virus spread and death toll. He added “we are currently facing a pandemic and a national dilemma, and the security of citizens can only be ensured through cooperation. We are pursuing our plan very carefully without being overly optimistic.”


Minister Chreim stressed that the Ministry is working to promote rural development in the fields of industry, agriculture, trade, health and education, noting the fact that Zahle campus attracts a large number of students, which in return reinforces rural development and the LU role.


Minister Hoballah highlighted that the creativity demonstrated by LU students encourages industrialists, and announced that the decrees aimed at stimulating industrialization and scientific research in Lebanon would be promulgated in the coming week.


Minister Mortada revealed that the Ministry's strategy is now nearing completion and will be launched from the Lebanese University, in order to highlight the University's capacities. He added “the creativity of LU students and professors represents a glimmer of hope in this crisis, and we have great confidence in these young people who will have a leading role in research, practice and innovation within our strategy.”








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