
University Strategy
University Works
The Presidency of the Lebanese University worked alongside the deans, directors and a few faculty members on many projects, some of which reached the desired results and some that are still underway. Administrative employees played a role in these activities for over a year now since my appointment as President of the university, among them:
- Electing the representative boards in conformity with Law no. 66 of 2009, starting with heads of departments, professor representatives to nominating directors; duly assigning branch directors and naming five nominees for the deanship of every university unit.
For the first time in the history of the Lebanese University, representative boards were elected by the faculty members (full-time lecturers and tenured professors). Appointing deans by virtue of ministerial decrees remains a topmost priority to form a University Council.
- Bringing up the pending university campuses issues: Faculty of Public Health in Al Fanar, Faculty of Public Health in Bohsas, Faculty of Agronomy in Tal Amara, the campus in Hosh El Oumara (Bekaa) and other faculties.
This issue requires constant follow-up from the administration of the university, the government and the Council for Development and Reconstruction.
- Preparing the list of nominees for full-time lecturing as per academic needs and taking into consideration equal opportunities among all regions, respecting university degrees (PhD), teaching experience, and academic and research levels.
- Duly applying the law of full-time lecturing (6/70) and following it up in all branches and faculties, as well as increasing working hours and academic duties of full-time lecturer.
- Following up with the trainers file (admins and technicians) and raising it to the Cabinet to eliminate “reconciliation” contracts which have worn out the university and concerned ministries.
- Looking into personnel conditions and discussing them in Parliament (adding employees and contractual employees into the staffing structure), and submitting proposals for improving their living conditions.
- Promoting the Curriculum and Program Committee by applying the LMD system, and adopting the systems and curricula of the Faculties of Tourism and Hospitality, Pharmacy, and Business Administration, as well as studying the systems and curricula of other faculties.
- Increasing the financial budget for scientific research from two billion Lebanese pounds to three billion.Giving more scholarships for specialization abroad (PhD level) in coordination with CNRS and AUF, in addition to providing partial scholarships.
- Improving IT and networking among all faculties and branches, connecting them to the Central Administration and increasing the speed and bandwidth of the university’s Internet connection and activating protection software. Developing internal networks in Hadath and Fanar, allowing students to access WLAN and use special programs to browse for academic information, in addition to equipping all branches and faculties with Microsoft operating systems and software.
The university is also seeking to establish training centers for CISCO and Microsoft, develop a state-of-the-art project for remote learning, and lay down a plan to expand libraries and services offered to researchers and students.
- Pushing for the ratificationof a new salaries hierarchy for faculty members and increasing the per-hour pay rate of professors on contract.
- Controlling work hours and productivity at the Central Administration, keeping an eye on the work of the secretaries and heads of departments, as well as internally changing some posts in the administration.
- Empowering the Inspection Office to ensure functional efficiency and administrative development.
- Appointing two Heads of Department (University Secretary and Head of the Joint Administrative Authority) by virtue of two decrees, following years of delegation.
- Forming consultation committees to help the president of the university on many issues: curricula and programs, scientific research, applying the law of full-time lecturing, legal issues, establishing a student’s union, quality of learning, trainers, and campuses.
- Controlling spending related to the contracts concluded by the university in conformity with the administrative law and in cooperation with the entrusted minister, the Audit Bureau and Financial Inspection Department.
- Encouraging the exchange of professors among the branches of one faculty, and simultaneously carrying out joint university activities, chief among them one graduation ceremony for each university unit.
- Defending the university’s independence as a public institution with academic, administrative and financial autonomy in accordance with its establishment laws, at parliamentary committee sessions and at the Higher Education Council.