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11/11/2021 - Rim Bayaa wins the “Young Scientists Award” of the Gabriel Network


Rim Bayaa, a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Science & Technology (DSST) won the “Young Scientists Award” of the GABRIEL Network of Mérieux Foundation, for her work related to innovative approaches and the discovery of new immunological indicators to diagnose and monitor the effectiveness of tuberculosis treatment.

The doctoral student received her award at the 11th GABRIEL Network Meeting, which was held in France between 7-10 November 2021, with the participation of several research institutions and international laboratories.

The Lebanese University participated in this 11th meeting through the intervention of Professor Monzer Hamze, Director of the Microbiology, Health and Environment Laboratory (LMSE) of the Faculty of Public Health and the DSST.

Rim is pursuing her PhD dissertation in bacterial diseases under the joint supervision of Dr. Monzer Hamze and Dr. Bachar Ismail from the LMSE and Dr. Jonathan Hoffman and Dr. Florence Ader from the “Emerging Pathogens Laboratory” of Claude Bernard University Lyon 1.

It is noteworthy that some parts of the work have been published by international journals.




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