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Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering (FE) was established at the Lebanese University by virtue of Decree 9305 dated 21/11/1974.


The Faculty has three branches:

Branch 1: Tripoli

Branch 2: Roumieh

Branch 3: Hadath, Rafiq Hariri Campus


The mission of the Faculty of Engineering is to achieve a democratic and free education for everyone. The Faculty also aims to keep up with the latest developments and provide formal scientific and technical education to elite students.


The FE adheres to the main tasks stipulated in Decree No. 9305 dated 21/11/1974. It encourages scientific research and develops curricula and specializations in line with the needs of the labor market. The Faculty serves civil community, public health and development through its role as a national benchmark for university curricula and standards.


The FE aims to create modern specializations for engineering professionals in line with the scientific and technological advancement and suitable to the needs of the labor market. Thus, it encourages scientific research by creating research teams, engineering offices, and relevant laboratories available to both public and private sectors.


The FE consists of the following departments:

1. Civil Engineering

2. Mechanical Engineering

3. Electric, Electronic & Telecommunications Engineering


The duration of study at the FE is five years, divided into 10 semesters to obtain a Diploma in Engineering.


Hadath, 28/11/2018

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering



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