(9/1/2025) -
مشروع الطالب أسامة علي سليمان من كلية الفنون (3) ضمن لائحة الـ20 الأوائل في(...)
صُنّف مشروع الطالب أسامة علي سليمان، من كلية الفنون الجميلة والعمارة الفرع الثالث في الجامعة اللبنانية، ضمن أفضل 20 مشروعًا عالميّا في القائمة المختصرة لجائزة "ديوان للعمارة" لعام 2024 التي نظمتها(...)
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(8/1/2025) -
Dr. Elie Hadchiti Assigned to the Deanship of the Faculty of Public Health
President Bassam Badran appointed Dr. Elie Dib Hadchiti as Dean of the Faculty of Public Health as of 2 January 2025.
Dr. Hadchiti holds a PhD in Physical Biochemistry/Radiation Biology and Can(...)
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(23/12/2024) -
Tests and training for Lebanese University sports teamsSelection tests for the Lebanese University's soccer, mini-football, futsal, basketball and volleyball teams, which will compete in the Lebanese University Sports Federation (FSUL) championship, are d(...)
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(23/12/2024) -
The Faculty of Pedagogy publishes the proceedings of annual conference “Tra(...)The Faculty of Pedagogy published the proceedings of the annual conference organized by CERP, entitled Transformations in Education and Learning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence for the academic (...)
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(23/12/2024) -
Students in the FLPAS (French section) win top honors at Aix-Marseille Univ(...)
Students from the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences (French section) have topped the M2 ranking at Aix-Marseille University in France. The results were announced at the Marie Marv(...)
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