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Biodiversity : Management and Conservation of Natural Resources SCMPR-BGCR


Biology and Marketing


Stem Cells, Organogenesis and Regenerative Medicine


Expertise and Treatment in Environment SCMPR-ETEN


Materials and Applications

 Available in the following locations : Deanery

Applied Microbiology

 Available in the following Locations: Deanery


  Available in the following locations : Deanery

Molecular Diagnostic and Forensic Sciences - Option : Molecular Diagnostic

 Available in the following locations : Deanery

Forensic Sciences

   Available in the following Laocations : Deanery

Human Molecular Diagnostics SCMPR-DMAH

 Available in the following locations : Deanery

Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences

  Available in the following Laocations : Deanery

Refining and Hydrocarbon Technologies

 Available in the following locations : Deanery

Analytical Sciences

 Available in the following locations : Deanery

Market Access of Health Products

  Available in the following locations : Deanery

Chemical Industrial Analysis SCMPR-ANCI

 Available in the following locations : Deanery

Petrochemical Analysis SCMPR-APCH

 Available in the following locations: Deanery

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