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(14/3/2025) بدء استقبال طلبات الانتساب إلى برنامج التحكيم
إعلان عن فتح باب استقبال الطلبات لبرنامج التحكيم يعلن مركز البحوث والدراسات الإستراتيجيةفي الجيش اللبناني وعمادة كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية والإدارية وبالاشتراك مع غرفة التجارة والصناعة والزارعة(...)

(14/3/2025) Call for applications from IETR Lab offering PhD positions
IETR, an academic research laboratory of excellence in electronic and digital technologies, offers numerous Phd positions in the following areas Waves (Hyperfrequencies, Antennas, wave pro(...)

(13/3/2025) Students tentatively accepted to prepare a PhD dissertation project for the academic year 2024-2025
Lebanese University Major Business Administration Economy Law Political Sciences Private Universities Major Business Administration Law Political Sciences Foreign Universities To (...)

(3/3/2025) Guidelines for the preparation of scientific articles
To professors and student researchers, Please find attached the Guidelines for Researchers for the annual CERP conference at the Faculty of Pedagogy entitled: Scientific Research as a Pillar for the (...)

(17/2/2025) Call for papers by 22 April 2025
The Scientific Board of the Center for Educational Studies & Research at the Faculty of Pedagogy invites you to submit scientific papers for the annual conference to be organized on Friday, 20 June 20(...)

(11/2/2025) The DSST launches a new joint degree program with the U2A network
The Doctoral School of Science & Technology is launching a new cotutelle program between the Lebanese University and the U2A university network ((University of the Littoral Opal Coast (ULCO), Artois U(...)

(7/2/2025) Annual program of CESR activities at the FPE/2024-2025
The Center for Educational Studies and Research (CESR) at the Faculty of Pedagogy publishes its annual program of activities for the academic year 2024-2025. For more details on the program, click(...)

(7/2/2025) Call for applications for the SAFAR 2025 PhD scholarship program
The French Embassy in Lebanon has just launched the 2025 call for applications for the SAFAR doctoral scholarship program. These grants, co-financed by the Lebanese University and the French Embassy, (...)

(24/1/2025) Participate in the 2025 Science Competition
Under the slogan "Innovate to Grow and Prosper" and for the 22nd consecutive year, the National Authority for Science & Research invites innovative Lebanese school students to participate in the 2025 (...)

(20/1/2025) Call for applications / ICTE training ending 28 March 2025
The AUF is launching a call for applications for a training course aimed at strengthening skills in Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching (ICTT) for the year 2025. Applications ((...)

(17/1/2025) Permanent call for scientific events launched by the AUF from 13 January to 30 November 2025
As part of the cooperation program between the AUF and the Doctoral School of Science & Technology, the AUF is launching a permanent call for 2025 to support scientific events within the framework of (...)

(16/1/2025) Call for applications to strengthen the capacity of French language ending 28 March 2025
The AUF is launching a call for applications to strengthen the capacity of French language trainers and the quality of training in French for the year 2025. To this end, the AUF proposes: (...)

(16/1/2025) Call for applications launched by the AUF ending on 28 March 2025
Within the framework of the cooperation program between the AUF and the Doctoral School of Science & Technology, the AUF is launching a call for applications for a Support for the initiation of struct(...)

(16/1/2025) Call for AUF projects: research projects/doctoral mobility until 28 March 2025
As part of the cooperation program between the AUF and the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research (CNRSL), the AUF is organizing a call for projects for 2025 (combining support for a resear(...)

(11/7/2024) Decision no. 1366 determining the value of the annual scholarship for outstanding LU graduates
Article 1: The value of the annual lump-sum scholarship allocated to outstanding graduates of the Lebanese University who are sent to specialize abroad is determined as follows: LBP 300,000,000 - Th(...)
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Recent Articles
(21/3/2025) - الجامعة اللبنانية تستضيف دورة دولية للفنون القتالية

استضافت الجامعة اللبنانية دورة دولية لمدرّبي الفنون القتالية المختلطة (MMA) التي نظّمها الاتحاد اللبناني للعبة بالتعاون مع دائرة النشاط الرياضي في الجامعة. شارك في الدورة 81 مدرّبة ومدرّباً (...)

(19/3/2025) - مشروع لطلاب كلية الحقوق (2) للتوعية حول القانون الدولي الإنساني

شارك طلاب كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية والإدارية الفرع الثاني/الجامعة اللبنانية في المباراة التي نظمها الصليب الأحمر اللبناني بين 12 جامعة للتوعية على أهمية القانون الدولي الإنساني، وذلك بدعم م(...)

(18/3/2025) - The Union of Arab Historians awards Dr. Khaled Tadmori the Arab Historian's(...)

The Union of Arab Historians awarded Dr. Khaled Tadmori, professor and researcher at the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture, the Arab Historian's Medal and Certificate in recognition of his scie(...)

(18/3/2025) - Lebanese University's soccer team tops the universities championship

The Lebanese University soccer team topped their group in the Universities Championship with 11 points and an undefeated record and capped it off last Sunday with a 5-4 victory over the Islamic (...)

(17/3/2025) - Seminar on "Learning and Teaching during and after Crises"

The Center for Educational Studies & Research at the Faculty of Pedagogy organized the first in a series of virtual seminars for professors and students, entitled "Learning and Teaching During an(...)

(17/3/2025) - Student Jeanne d'Arc Tawk at the top of Lebanon's deepest ski slope

4 Jeanne d'Arc Tawk made her name in the field of depth skiing in Lebanon. The student, who is studying at the Faculty of Pedagogy - Branch 2, majoring in Physical Education, has been winning succes(...)

(17/3/2025) - Dawalibi is the Lebanese University champion in rapid chess

Toufik Dawalibi, from the Faculty of Science - Branch 4, won the Lebanese University Rapid Chess Championship, which was organized in the faculty's library hall with the participation of 22 male(...)

(14/3/2025) - الجامعة اللبنانية الأولى محليّا في الهندسة والصيدلة وضمن أول مئة جامعة عالم(...)

صُنّفت الجامعة اللبنانية بين أوّل مئة جامعة عالمية (51 - 100) في اختصاصي الهندسة البترولية والصيدلة، وأول مئة وخمسين جامعة عالمية (101 - 150) في اختصاصات الفنون والهندسة التصميمية، وذلك استنادًا إل(...)

(14/3/2025) - Lebanese University Participates in IEEE MENACOMM'25

More than a hundred master's and PhD students and a group of Lebanese University professors participated in the IEEE MENACOMM'25 Middle East and North Africa Communications Conference, organized (...)

(13/3/2025) - الجامعة اللبنانية تنعى العميد الدكتور بشير العريضي

تنعى رئاسة الجامعة اللبنانية وعمادة كلية الإعلام العميد الدكتور بشير عبد الله العريضي /أستاذ متقاعد وعميد كلية الإعلام عام 1975. بشهادة عارفيه، كان الراحل عالمًا ومفكّرًا ومثقفًا متنوّرًا، حاضر(...)

(13/3/2025) - قسم الفيزياء وعلوم الحياة بطل "ستريت بول" الأساتذة في كلية العلوم (1)

أحرز فريق قسم الفيزياء وعلوم الحياة لقب بطولة الـ"ستريت بول" في كلية العلوم الفرع الأول في الجامعة اللبنانية، التي شارك فيها أساتذة من فروع الكلية الخمسة إضافة إلى عدد من الموظّفين، وأشرف على تن(...)

(13/3/2025) - FFAA graduates Rita Al-Samani and Anthony Barakat rank first in an internat(...)

The graduates of the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture - Branch 3, Rita Al-Samani and Anthony Barakat, won first place globally in the Single-Stair Housing Challenge organized by Buildner in co(...)

(13/3/2025) - Cooperation agreement between the Lebanese University and Beirut Arab Unive(...)

The Lebanese University, represented by President Bassam Badran, signed a five-year cooperation agreement with Beirut Arab University, represented by its President Dr. Wael Nabil Abdelsalam, in t(...)

(10/3/2025) - منتخبات الجامعة اللبنانية تواصل المنافسة في بطولات الاتحاد اللبناني الرياضي(...)

بعدما تأهّل منتخب الجامعة اللبنانية في كرة السلة للإناث إلى مصاف الدرجة الأولى الجامعية، حقق منتخب الـ"فوتسال" للإناث ثلاثة انتصارات في أربع مباريات جامعاً 9 نقاط في بطولات الاتحاد اللبنان(...)

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