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Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences

The Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences adopts an advanced academic and research vision, in accordance with international doctoral systems and programs that encourage creativity, innovation and excellence.

The school constitutes a knowledge and cultural environment that incubates the production and development of knowledge through research and completed PhD dissertations, which provide intellectual and practical service to the government institutions, the Lebanese society and the Arab world in the fields of humanities, social, educational, media, and various sciences of art.

The good academic reputation of the school at the Lebanese and Arab levels is due to several factors, most notably, the good reputation of the Lebanese University and its occupation of advanced positions in international and Arab academic classifications, the accreditation and quality programs, the clear vision of the roles, tasks and objectives required by the school on the academic and cultural levels, the wide network of academic relations built with a large number of institutions and research and cultural figures around the world, and the efforts of distinguished professors in following up PhD students in supervision, follow-up and scientific and administrative orientation.

The school has taken qualitative and advanced steps in organizing the diploma, based on a bylaw, which has enhanced its academic conditions and opened new research paths enriching the requirements of scientific research in preparing a PhD dissertation.

In the scientific and research field, the school focuses on academic activities that enable the student to innovate and excel in the field of specialization. To this end, it organizes annually dozens of lectures, seminars, workshops, doctoral days and conferences, and hosts personalities with a long history of knowledge and culture inside and outside the university, including Arabs, French and Europeans academics and intellectuals.

The specialized research teams at the school study the files of students who have a research master’s degree with a good grade or its equivalent from outside the Lebanese University, according to three basic stages of admission to prepare a doctorate.

The Scientific Council, which is the senior management of the school, sets the short and medium-term scientific and cultural strategic plans, defines the criteria for student admission, approves annual programs for academic auxiliary activities, and undertakes the organization of academic relations with the concerned institutions in Lebanon and the world.

The school and those in charge at the university seek to continuously develop itself, face urgent challenges and crises, and achieve sustainable knowledge investment for the well-being of human being and society.


Beirut, 23 November 2021

Mohamed Mohsen


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