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Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences

   The Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences was established in 2007. It is one of the three doctoral schools that were created at the Lebanese University to provide the proper environment to foster and develop academic research. The number of students currently enrolled is around 951.


   The Doctoral School trains researchers and prepares them to manage academic research projects and supervise theses. In addition, it organizes academic workshops and PhD Students' Days, as well as academic seminars and conferences, in order to provide the necessary conditions to further the doctoral students’ knowledge in academic research requirements. It has created, for these ends, 14 research teams covering all the specializations of the Doctoral School.


   The Doctoral School has become a point of interest that attracts students throughout the Arab world. It is keen on expanding its regional and international horizons by signing agreements with other universities, as well as international and regional institutes dedicated to supporting academic research and setting up the proper processes to carry them out.


The Doctoral School of Literature, Humanities & Social Sciences grants the following diplomas:


The Lebanese Doctoral Degree and the Diploma of Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) in the following majors:

- Journalism

- Communication and Information Sciences

- Fine Arts in all its specializations (with the exception of Architecture)

- Social Sciences

- Education

- Literature and Human Sciences in all their specializations.



Sin el Fil – Horch Tabet


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