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(23/12/2024) مذكرة إدارية رقم 16 تمديد فترة التسجيل في الجامعة اللبنانية للعام الجامعي 2024 – 2025
عطفا على المذكرات الإدارية الصادرة والمتعلقة بتحديد وتمديد فترة التسجيل في الجامعة اللبنانية للعام الجامعي 2024 2025، ونظراً للظروف الاستثنائية الراهنة، لذلك، تمدد مهلة تسجيل الطلاب في الكليات التي ت(...)

(20/12/2024) Bourse de Séjour Scientifique de Haut niveau (SSHN) jusqu’au 19 janvier 2025
La date limite de dépît des dossiers de candidature pour la Bourse de Séjour Scientifique de Haut niveau (SSHN) est désormais le 19 janvier 2025. Ci-dessous le lien vers l'appel à candidature sur (...)

(6/12/2024) Administrative Circular No. 15 specifying Christmas and New Year vacations
On the occasion of the Christmas and New Year holidays, courses and administrative work in faculties, Branches, university centers and at the Central Administration will be suspended from the evening (...)

(16/12/2024) Applications open for “Dispute Resolution in Maritime and Offshore Oil & Gas Conflicts” program
The Lebanese Army Research & Strategic Studies Center (LAFRSC) and the Department of the Faculty of Law, Political & Administrative Sciences (FLPAS) at the Lebanese University are accepting applicatio(...)

(14/12/2024) Press release from the Presidency of the Lebanese University
In response to what has been circulating in the media and on social networks concerning the presence of weapons in one of the buildings of the Lebanese University, the Presidency of the university wis(...)

(10/12/2024) Statement issued by the Lebanese University Presidency
Social media and some websites are spreading advertisements in the name of the Lebanese University (using the university logo) claiming to secure jobs and provide consultations. The Presidency of (...)

(9/12/2024) Call for applications: internship for student Arabic language assistants in France until 30 January 2025
Internship for Arabic language student assistants in France 2025-2026 The French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports offers Lebanese university students' internships in France in schools with (...)

(6/12/2024) Call for applications: SMARTS-UP Graduate Schools / University Paris Cité program until 17 January 2025
The SMARTS-UP Graduate Schools program of the University of Paris Cité aims to promote the internationalization of Master's programs and facilitate the reception of the best international students, in(...)

(4/12/2024) Resumption of patient care at the UMC - Hadath
Further to the recent press release from the Presidency of the Lebanese University, the administration of the University Medical Center at the Rafic Hariri University Campus - Hadath announces the res(...)

(4/12/2024) Call for applications for M1 and M2 internships offered by IETR - France
IETR, an academic research laboratory of excellence in electronic and digital technologies, offers numerous internships for Master 2 students in the following areas Waves (Hyperfrequencies,(...)

(4/12/2024) Call for applications for the Eiffel scholarship program ending 8 January 2025
The Eiffel scholarship program has been developed by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education establishments to attract the best foreign students for Master'(...)

(29/11/2024) Press release from the Presidency of the Lebanese University (Determination of the dates for the resumption of attendance classes)
President Bassam Badran held a coordination meeting with the deans of faculties and institutes, during which they discussed administrative and technical procedures for the resumption of in-person teac(...)

(18/11/2024) Call for applications for the French Embassy in Lebanon's high-level scientific fellowship for 2025
In 2017, the French Embassy in Lebanon/French Institute of Lebanon launched the High-Level Scientific Stays program to support the mobility of Lebanese researchers in order to initiate or strengthen h(...)

(16/11/2024) The UMC medical analysis laboratory temporarily moves to Geitaoui Hospital Street
Due to the current circumstances, the Medical Analysis Laboratory of the University Medical Center announces that it will receive patients at its temporary location on Geitaoui Hospital Street - op(...)

(15/11/2024) Call for applications - “Eugen Ionescu” doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships 2024-2025
As part of the cooperation program between the AUF and the Romanian government, through the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The AUF has launched the call for applications for "Eugen Ionescu"(...)

(15/11/2024) Call for applications for the Scientific Missions Québec - Lebanon 2025
Research Fund (FRQ) and the Lebanese National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS-L). The AUF has launched a call for applications for Scientific Missions for the year 2025, the aim of which is (...)

(7/10/2024) Decision No. 1917 Extending all registration and follow-up statements for LU students for the academic year 2023-2024
Article 1 All registration and follow-up certificates issued by the Lebanese University for the academic year 2023-2024 are exceptionally extended until 31 December 2024 due to the current circumstan(...)

(4/9/2024) Administrative Memo No. 11 Determining the dates of enrollment at the Lebanese University for the academic year 2024-2025
The dates for registering students at the Lebanese University for the academic year 2024-2025 are as follows: First: Between 3 September and 31 October 2024 shall be the date for accepting the re(...)

(11/7/2024) Decision no. 1366 determining the value of the annual scholarship for outstanding LU graduates
Article 1: The value of the annual lump-sum scholarship allocated to outstanding graduates of the Lebanese University who are sent to specialize abroad is determined as follows: LBP 300,000,000 - Th(...)
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Recent Articles
(23/12/2024) - انطلاق اختبارات وتدريبات المنتخبات الرياضية في الجامعة اللبنانية

انطلقت اختبارات انتقاء عناصر منتخبات الجامعة اللبنانية في كرة القدم، الـ"ميني فوتبول"، الـ"فوتسال"، كرة السلة والكرة الطائرة التي ستشارك في بطولة الاتحاد اللبناني الرياضي للجامعات (FSUL) المقرر أن تبد(...)

(23/12/2024) - كلية التربية تُصدر أعمال المؤتمر السنوي "تحوّلات التّربية والتّعليم في زمن (...)

أصدرت كلية التربية في الجامعة اللبنانية الأوراق البحثية التي صدرت عن المؤتمر السّنويّ الّذي نظّمه مركز الدّراسات والأبحاث التّربويّة في الكلّيّة بعنوان "تحوّلات التّربية والتّعليم في زمن الذّكاء الاصط(...)

(23/12/2024) - طالبات كلية الحقوق – الفرع الفرنسي يفُزن بالمراتب الأولى ويحصدن ثمانية جوائ(...)

تصدّرت طالبات كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية والإدارية الفرع الفرنسي في الجامعة اللبنانية المراتب الأولى في سنة ثانية ماستر في كلية الحقوق/بجامعة (Aix-Marseille) الفرنسية، وأُعلنت النتائج في حفل تسل(...)

(23/12/2024) - احتفال ميلادي في كلية الفنون الجميلة والعمارة (4)

احتفلت كلية الفنون الجميلة والعمارة الفرع الرابع في الجامعة اللبنانية بعيدي الميلاد ورأس السنة، وذلك بحضور رئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في رابطة الأساتذة المتفرغين في الجامعة اللبنانية الدكتور أنطوان شربل و(...)

(18/12/2024) - The faculties and institutes of the Lebanese University have fully resumed (...)

Academic life has returned to normal in the various faculties and institutes of the Lebanese University, and in-person teaching has resumed with high student attendance. The administrative departm(...)

(10/12/2024) - The Lebanese University mourns Dr. Antoine Estephan

The Presidency of the Lebanese University and the deanship of the Faculty of Medical Sciences mourn the passing of Dr. Antoine Georges Estefan, who taught at the faculty between 1994 and 2005 and w(...)

(10/12/2024) - The FFAA decorates the “Love You Lebanon” celebration

The Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture participated in the "Love You Lebanon" celebration organized at Casino du Liban at the invitation of the "Beirut Rooftops" association. The celebration was (...)

(5/12/2024) - Two academic achievements for FLHS student Houssam Mohieddine

Lebanese University student Houssam Mohieddine won third prize in the Arab Theatrical Scientific Research 2024 competition launched by the Arab Theatre Authority (ATA) in Sharjah for his research T(...)

(19/11/2024) - The UMC participates in a campaign to vaccinate children in Sibnaï and Baab(...)

The University Medical Center participated in the national campaign launched by UNICEF in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Health and WHO to vaccinate children from 0 to 10 years against pol(...)

(9/11/2024) - Extensive damage in the Rafic Hariri University Campus - Hadath following I(...)

President Bassam Badran inspected the damage caused to some buildings on the Rafic Hariri University Campus - Hadath, following the Israeli air strikes that targeted surrounding civilian buildings (...)

(6/11/2024) - Lebanese University contributes to testing and securing potable water for I(...)

The repercussions of the displacement crisis continue in various regions, especially at the level of potable water, which remains within individual initiatives that coordinate with the Lebanese Univer(...)

(4/11/2024) - Research production on cybersecurity as part of the cooperation between the(...)

As part of an ongoing collaborative effort involving the academic sector (Lebanese University - USJ - Potech Lab) and the public sector (Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Lebanon) and the Natio(...)

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