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Université Libanaise
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Le doyen
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Faculté de Médecine Dentaire

  Le doyen

Professor Georges AOUN


Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Radiology

Emails: georgesaoun@ul.edu.lb      doyenfmd@ul.edu.lb

Phone: +961 5 463 539

Dean's Word

Take to give ...

The establishment of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in the mid-1983s was, in a way, the crystallization of our hopes and we were all finally delighted to see the birth of an institution that could house so many dreams under one roof. The hard years started to wear off and the good weather came after …… the rain!
The "Section of Dental Medicine" of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the Lebanese University was the scientific platform that allowed us, meanwhile, to flourish by giving to our students the quality of care and the humanitarianism that they deserve!
The mission of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at the Lebanese University is to provide higher education and preparation for a successful professional life and to conduct modern scientific research within the framework of Dental Medicine. The initiation of these programs is a new proof of the ongoing activities in this field.
Even if the political and economic situation of the country had a negative impact and is still affecting the workflow of the University, it was nothing more than an incentive to insist more on perseverance in work while continuing to give and give. The aim of the University above all is to serve the Lebanese society by inspiring its youth and finding ways to advance it scientifically, morally and culturally.
It is not surprising, that the level of education of any higher education institution is measured according to many pillars: the educational organization, the degree of qualification, the educational programs and their levels in quantity and quality.
This long tough journey has taught us to never give up, to follow our dreams, and persevere to achieve them and allow future generations to dream of a better future too! Take in order to give has become our Modus Vivendi.
This way of life and of being had initiated and taught us to take, grab, and earn in order to better give, offer, help, serve, grant, transmit and share. This section, which became a Faculty in 1999, taught us altruism, friendliness, benevolence, dedication and generosity, a prestigious institution where students, teachers and administration are able to overcome obstacles, barriers, and setbacks to achieve their hope of excellence.

Dean's Office

Randa Feghali


Email: r.feghali@ul.edu.lb
Phone: +961 5 463 539
Fax: +961 5 463 539



Email: zeina.sheito@ul.edu.lb
Phone: +961 5 463 539
Fax: +961 5 463 539

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