Regulations of Rafik Hariri Campus
All amenities, facilities and areas located within the Rafic Hariri Campus shall be subject to the provisions of this Law.
The Campus
It is a public institution with faculties, branches, Institutes and joint facilities bordered by an external fence. All that is inside this fence is considered a campus under the administration of the Lebanese University and is governed by its laws.
The Campus includes the following amenities and facilities:
Faculty and branch buildings:
§ Faculty of Medical Sciences
§ Faculty of Pharmacy
§ Faculty of Public Health: Branch 1
§ Faculty of Law and Political and Administrative Sciences: Branch 1
§ Faculty of Economics and Business Administration: Deanship – Branch 1
§ Faculty of Sciences: Deanship – Branch 1
§ Faculty of Engineering: Deanship – Branch 3
§ Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture: Branch 1
§ Doctoral School of Science and Technology
Amenities and joint facilities:
§ Buildings of students' housing units and their facilities.
§ Sports facilities.
§ Main kitchen, Restaurants, Restrooms, Cafeterias.
§ Main theater and its building.
§ Hospitality building.
§ Parks, Public squares and parking lots.
§ Locations occupied by the security forces.
§ Technical buildings and their facilities.
Amenities and joint facilities are managed according to the following:
Student housing units and the related facilities: they are governed by the internal regulations stipulated in Order No. 2784 dated 10/11/2004 and the laws and regulations issued by the Presidency of the University. They are managed at the administrative and organizational levels by the Office of Campus Management under the supervision of the General Secretary. Private companies shall be subject to such laws and to the administrative and technical conditions listed in the building specifications related to this process.
Sports facilities:
The Office of Sports Activities administers and organizes sports activities for the Lebanese University students under the supervision of the General Secretary, and supervises sports facilities in coordination with the Office of Campus Management.
Main kitchen, restaurants, restrooms and cafeterias:
They are subject to the supervision of the Lebanese University and are outsourced by a public tender, where the competent offices in the Central Administration issue the tender specifications thereof.
Main theater and its building:
The Office of Campus Management organizes and coordinates the timetables of its occupancy and maintenance of its assets and installations under the supervision of the President of the University and the General Secretary.
Hospitality building:
It is a building dedicated to the housing of professors coming from abroad in the framework of academic and cultural exchange. The room occupancy whether free of charge or in lieu of an allowance is subject to the direct approval of the President of the University or upon the proposal of the faculty deans or the General Secretary, in coordination with the head of the Office of Campus Management.
Parking lots, parks and public squares:
They are used for professors, students and university staff, and are subject to the provisions of general laws and disciplinary and penal measures in case of violation.
Locations and facilities occupied by the security forces:
The occupancy thereof belongs solely to the direct approval of the President of the University.
Technical buildings and their facilities:
They are subject to the supervision and organization of the companies contracted with to provide maintenance and operation of the Campus facilities. Outside their places of work, members of these companies are subject to the laws, regulations and decisions issued by the Presidency of the University and the Campus administrative staff.
The Industrial Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry:
The Campus internal regulations and the general laws and regulations outside of its fences are applied to its employees and staff.
Campus Affairs Management
It is headed by a committee presided by the Secretary with the membership of the Head of the Campus Technical Committee, the Head of Health Services Center and the Head of the Office of Campus Management and operates under the supervision of the President of the University.
The Committee takes administrative, organization and technical decisions necessary to supervise and manage the Campus joint facilities. The committee members implement these decisions in accordance with their functions and powers.
Functions of the Office of Campus Management:
In addition to the functions set forth in Order No. 843 dated 31/5/2005, the Office provides all services to the Campus occupants and receives requests for accommodation in the student housing units and approves them according to the adopted standards. The office supervises the hospitality and theater buildings and coordinates with the security forces and private security staff in terms of public safety and security on campus.
The Office refers the violations committed in amenities and joint facilities to the competent security and judicial authorities through the Presidency of the University.
Functions of the Campus Technical Committee:
In addition to the functions set forth in Order No. 3254 dated 25/11/2011, the Committee keeps track of the preparation, development and maintenance of the campus facilities. It technically oversees the work of companies contracted with to operate and maintain the campus and study and raise their reports to the Presidency of the University.
The committee's functions include detecting faults in the campus facilities and following up their reparation by the relevant companies contracted with.
Health Committee and Infirmary:
The Committee works in accordance with the provisions of Order No. 1905 dated 4/10/2007, namely in terms of providing health services in the campus during working hours and supervising the management and work of the campus infirmary and health inspection on all cleaning and nutrition works.
The committee supervises the body assigned by the Presidency of the University to control the workers and the food provided by private companies and their conformity with the health conditions. It sets regulations for equipment to operate and secure the infirmary, in addition to spreading health awareness among the students and conducting periodic laboratory tests for wastewater used in the campus.
Campus Public Security and Safety:
Private guards and security body of the companies contracted with to manage and operate the campus, maintain security, order and public safety within the campus along with the public security forces if assigned to do so at the request of the campus administration.
The officials responsible for the security of the campus raise report on all incidents, violations and actions taken to the Office of Campus Management, which in turn submits such reports to the Presidency of the University and the campus administration.
Opening and closing dates for the Campus main entrance:
The entrances are open from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm on regular working days, excluding students staying in student dormitories up to 11:00 pm on regular school days and 12:00 pm on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, and employees and staff of companies according to the exact work time announced to the Office of Campus Management.
Opening and closing hours may be modified by a decision of the President of the University according to the work and teaching conditions at the suggestion of the Campus administration.
Duties, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Sanctions of the Campus Occupants:
The occupants shall respect the general laws and internal regulations of the campus and maintain security, order and cleanliness of its assets and facilities.
The campus occupants and visitors are not allowed to carry out the works stipulated in Order No. 2784 dated 10/11/2004 (the internal regulations for student housing units in the campus).
Disciplinary and penal sanctions shall apply to violators of the provisions of this Law in accordance with the general and special laws and regulations of the Lebanese University.