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Faculty of Pharmacy
Rules and Regulations

Chapter One: Faculty Mission & Vision


Article 1:

Mission:  In keeping with the mission of the Lebanese University in the public sector, the Faculty of Pharmacy seeks to provide pharmacy students and graduates with a specialization focused on patient health, in response to the growing needs of the community in the fields of health, and in commitment to ensure academic, scientific and professional quality.


Vision: At the national level, the Faculty of Pharmacy will seek to be an advanced center in the areas of academic excellence and patient-centered quality education, addressing the health needs of society and contributing to scientific research. The Faculty will actively contribute to health care reform in the country, and will be a valuable partner for health workers, and a link between all partners working in the field of health.


Article 2:

The Faculty aims to strengthen its national role in health and medicine by achieving the following objectives:

1.     Direct students to provide distinctive health care in the service of the patient and the community.

2.     Provide a model education that keeps pace with scientific development, allowing the acquisition of high competencies necessary for all professions related to pharmaceutical sciences.

3.     Provide an open environment for communication, modernization and participation.

4.     Adopt a partnership for the development of professional practice.

5.     Assure quality by continuous evaluation of programs and adopted mechanisms.

6.     Respect values and profession ethics.

7.     Support education for sustainable development.

8.     Promote scientific advancement and support research.


The Faculty values are as follows:

1.     Integrity

2.     Excellence

3.     Commitment

4.     Sustainable learning

5.     Regeneration

6.     Professionalism

7.     Communication

8.     Citizenship

9.     Responsibility

10.  Respect for dignity and human rights

11.  Equality

12.  Rising above materialism in the profession and focus on humanity


Chapter Two: Diplomas, Specializations & Departments

Article 3:

The Faculty includes the specialization of Pharmacy.

The Faculty Council may propose the addition of new specializations in accordance with the applicable regulations.


Article 4:

The Faculty grants the students:

1.     Doctor of Pharmacy Practice: The study period shall not be less than five years, including the preparatory year and shall not exceed seven years, and shall be five years for the bachelor’s degree; otherwise, the student is dismissed from the Faculty and may transfer his acquired courses.

2.     The student may choose a particular track in the fourth and fifth years, within the pharmacy-related fields:

-             Community Pharmacy

-             Hospital Pharmacy

-             Clinical Pharmacy

-             Industrial Pharmacy

-             Pharmaceutical Management

-             Research in Clinical Pharmacy

-             Research in Pharmacology and Toxicology

3.     Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD): for one year after the “Doctor of Pharmacy Practice” for the following specializations:

-             Clinical Pharmacy

-             Community Pharmacy

-             Hospital Pharmacy

-             The Doctor of Pharmacy Diploma is not equivalent to a PhD in Pharmaceutical Science

4.     Professional Master’s Degree: The preparation period shall not be less than two years and not exceed a maximum of four years (provided that the M1 courses are included in the fourth and fifth year of the pharmacy curriculum), for the following specializations:

-             Industrial Cosmetology & Dermopharmacy

-             Clinical Pharmacy

-             Pharmaceutical Industry

-             Pharmaceutical Master, Business & Administration (MBA)

5.     Research Master’s degree in:

-             Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacoepidemiology

-             Pharmacology

-             Toxicology

-             Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


Article 5:

The Doctor of Pharmacy Practice Diploma curriculum includes an internship period in the field of specialization in a pharmaceutical institution of not less than 12 months during the study period. The Doctor of Pharmacy Practice Diploma is finalized by a master's thesis prepared by the student and equal to six credits.


Article 6:

The professional or research master's degree curriculum includes an internship period of at least four months in the field of specialization, finalized by a master's thesis prepared by the student. The internship period with the thesis is worth 30 credits. The Doctor of Pharmacy Diploma includes an internship period in the field of specialization for at least eight months, finalized by a doctoral dissertation in pharmacy with a dissertation worth 10 credits.


Article 7:

The University President appoints a Discussion Committee to discuss the Doctor of Pharmacy Practice thesis and other theses (Doctor of Pharmacy dissertation, Research or Professional Master's thesis), following the proposal of the Dean and based on the recommendation of the Faculty Council.


Article 8:

The Faculty shall determine in cooperation with the institutions concerned with the internship referred to in Articles 6 & 7, the content of such internship, and the duties of the advisor and the person in charge of the internship in the institutions.


Article 9:

The Faculty is composed of the following academic departments:

1.     Department of Basic Sciences

2.     Department of Drug Sciences

3.     Department of Professional Practice

4.     Department of Clinical Pharmacy

5.     Department of Research and Masters


Chapter 3: Student Admission & Enrollment


Article 10:

In order to be admitted to prepare the Doctor of Pharmacy Practice diploma, the student shall:

1.     Be holder of Lebanese Baccalaureate or its official equivalent;

a)     Be holder of all first-year courses in the Lebanese University - Faculty of Sciences with an average of 12/20; or

b)     Have successfully finished all first-year courses in one of the Faculties of Sciences or Pharmacy other than the Lebanese University with a distinction of at least “Good”, provided that the number of student admitted shall not exceed 10% of total number of students in the second year.

2.     Have succeeded in the Competitive Entrance Examination (CEE) organized by a decision of the University Council upon the proposal of the Faculty Council, in which the number of students who may be admitted is identified based on the examination result.


Article 11:

The CEE referred to above includes the followings written exams:




Exam duration



2 hours



1 hour



1 hour



1 hour

Foreign language


1 hour


Article 12:

The conditions of student admission and the CEE subjects may be modified by a decision of the University Council upon the proposal of the Faculty Council.


Article 13:

The student who obtains a total average of at least 12/20 in the CEE is considered to have passed the exam. An eliminatory mark is each mark less than 5/20 in the CEE subjects.


Article 14:

The enrollment of passing students shall be accepted according to the sequence of their total scores in the CEE and within the limits determined by the Faculty Council.


Article 15:

Candidates accepted for enrollment shall complete their registration within ten (10) business days from the date of declaring the admission on the Faculty bulletin board, under the loss of their right to enrollment and their replacement with other candidates according to the rule of the sequence referred to above.

The new students enrolled in the Faculty shall sit for a foreign language test conducted by the Office of Foreign Language Coordination at the Lebanese University in cooperation with the Faculty.


Article 16:

Students accepted to prepare the Doctor of Pharmacy Practice diploma and who have studied at the Lebanese University - Faculty of Sciences or at the faculties of pharmacy at other universities, may request the equivalence of some of the courses they have previously obtained. This request is based on the equivalency system identifying the terms for recognition of credits received outside the Faculty and issued by the Faculty Dean. This equivalency system shall not contradict with the general equivalency system at the Lebanese University, and the total balance shall not exceed (60) credits as per the LU credit system.


Article 17:

It is possible to hold an exceptional CEE for the third year, for students who have completed the second year with at least a distinction “Good” outside the Lebanese University. The CEE is conducted based on the second year curriculum of the Faculty of Pharmacy, provided that the number of admissions does not exceed 10% of the total number of students of the third year in the Faculty of Pharmacy.


Article 18:

The students of the Faculty of Pharmacy who wish to prepare for a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) diploma shall:

1.     Have succeeded all five-year courses, including the first year according to the approved curricula at the Faculty, at a GPA of not less than 3/5 as per the grading scale adopted at the Lebanese University (or 12/20 according to the currently adopted system).

2.     Successful students are selected according to their GPA in the five years, including the first year, and within the required number of master’s students.


Article 19:

The students of the Faculty of Pharmacy who wish to prepare for a professional master's degree shall:

1.     Have succeeded all three-year courses, including the first year according to the approved curricula at the Faculty, at a GPA of not less than 3/5 as per the grading scale adopted at the Lebanese University (or 12/20 according to the currently adopted system).

2.     Successful students are selected according to their GPA in the three years, including the first year, and within the required number of master’s students.

3.     Students admitted to the master’s degree can be exempted from the M1 or some of its courses upon the proposal of the Faculty Council, the approval of the University Council, and after fulfillment of special conditions according to the Master’s specialization.


Article 20:

The students of the Faculty of Pharmacy who wish to prepare for a research master's degree shall:

1.     Have succeeded all three-year courses, including the first year according to the approved curricula at the Faculty, at a GPA of not less than 4/5 as per the grading scale adopted at the Lebanese University (or 14/20 according to the currently adopted system).

2.     Successful students are selected according to their GPA in the three years, including the first year, and within the required number of master’s students.

3.     Students admitted to the master’s degree can be exempted from the M1 or some of its courses upon the proposal of the Faculty Council, the approval of the University Council, and after fulfillment of special conditions according to the Master’s specialization.


Article 21:

The Faculty is entitled to accept for the preparation of a master's degree, other universities graduates, up to 10% of the total admissions as follows:

1.     Holding a diploma in pharmacy from a recognized university and the duly equivalence thereof.

2.     Obtaining a distinction of at least “good” in the diploma, with a GPA of not less than 4/5 (or 14/20) for the research master and a GPA of not less than 3/5 (or 12/20) for the professional master as per the grading scale adopted at the Lebanese University.

3.     Meeting the terms of assessment of students (CEE, file study, exams ...) approved by the University Council following the proposal of the Faculty Council.

4.     The Faculty may accept graduates from other universities, if the required number of students at the Lebanese University in the master's degree is not achieved.


Article 22:

Students admitted for a master's degree and who have studied in faculties of pharmacy at other universities, may request the equivalence of some courses they have previously obtained. This request is based on the equivalency system identifying the terms for recognition of credits received outside the Faculty and issued by the Faculty Dean. This equivalency system shall not contradict with the general equivalency system at the Lebanese University, and the total course balance shall not exceed (60) credits as per the LU credit system.


Chapter Four: Registration & Attendance System


Article 23:

The student shall complete his/her academic registration at least one week after the commencement of teaching in the semester, and shall use the accredited academic guidance professors for this purpose.


Article 24:

The student has the right to reconsider his/her academic registration within one week at the latest from the commencement of teaching in the semester. He/she may also cancel this registration in some courses within two weeks at most from the beginning of the semester.


Article 25:

If a student fails in one or more courses on the first session exams, only the continuous assessment score for these courses is transferred to the second session. If the student fails to submit it at the second session, he/she shall not benefit from the compensation system between the semester courses.


Article 26:

a)     Attendance is mandatory in all theoretical courses and practical works (TD) provided that the student's attendance should not be less than 80% of the hours allocated for the course.

b)     Attendance is mandatory in all tutorials (TP) and shall be 100% of the hours allocated for the course. No absence is accepted for these courses.


Chapter Five: Evaluation and Examination System


Article 27:

The final course score is divided between a continuous evaluation and a final exam according to the nature of the course as follows:


Continuous Evaluation

Final Exam

Theoretical course with practical works (TD)



Theoretical course with tutorials (TP)



Theoretical course without practical works (TD) or tutorials (TP)




Article 28:

In the continuous assessment, various evaluation methods are used such as written tests, partial exams, and preparation of reports, research and tutorials, provided that the number of activities, subject of continuous evaluation, is not less than two per semester in each course.


Article 29:

A continuous assessment score consists of a total divided between the scores of the partial exam, student participation assessment and tutorials, as follows:


Continuous Evaluation

Student participation assessment

Tutorials score

Theoretical course w/o practical works (TD)




Theoretical course with tutorials (TP)





Article 30:

In the event that the student fails to sit for a partial exam in the semester for reasons of coercion or force majeure (death of a family member, emergency hospitalization ...) approved by the Faculty Council, the coefficient of the relevant partial exam shall be added to the final exam coefficient.


Article 31:

The student, who did not sit for the written exam of a course in the first session, receives a zero regardless of the excuses and reasons. If he/she does not sit for this exam in the second session for forced reasons or force majeure (death of a family member, emergency hospitalization…), a re-sit exam may be held by a decision of the University President following the proposal of the Faculty Council.


Article 32:

The student, who did not sit for the partial and final exams of a course in the first session, shall not benefit from the second session in this course, except in cases of illness that require discontinuation of study for more than two months according to the decision of the Faculty Council.


Article 33:

The late student is not entitled to enter the examination room if the delay exceeds half an hour. No student is allowed to leave the examination room before half the examination time has elapsed.


Article 34:

Any student caught cheating or attempting to cheat in a course shall be deprived of all the courses of the session, subject to the provisions of the laws in force.


Article 35:

The student has the right to submit an application to prove that there is no material error in a course score, within a week at most from the date of announcing the result of this course. The examining committee shall inspect the student exam under the supervision of the Faculty Dean and the head of the concerned division. If there is a material error, the score shall be amended by consensus of the attendees.


Chapter Six: General Provisions


Article 36:

The tutorials (TP) and practical works (TD) are provided in classes of 20 students only, allowing the professor to observe and follow up the work of the students.


Article 37:

A student may be considered as administratively enrolled in the third academic year of the educational Bachelor-Masters-Doctoral (BMD) system if he/she has obtained at least 36 credits of the total credits of the second-year courses. The student may be considered as enrolled in the fourth academic year if he/she has obtained at least 96 credits, and in the fifth academic year if he/she has obtained at least 156 credits.


Article 38:

The curriculum shall be determined for a diploma in pharmacy and a master’s degree in the Faculty of Pharmacy according to the attached tables. These curricula shall be modified upon the proposal of the Faculty Council and the approval of the University Council.


Organization of the Faculty

The Faculty of Pharmacy is part of the Lebanese University, the only public university in Lebanon. The Faculty is structured according to an organizational chart and uses many additional policies:

-      Organizational Chart

-      Quality Principles of the Deanship

-      Administrative Policy of the Faculty

-      Charters for Ethics

-      Charter for Students’ Rights

-      Examination Charter & Anti-Fraud Policy

-      Academic Autonomy & Freedom Policy


Administrative strategies

The Faculty of Pharmacy has developed many strategies to reach excellence:

        Faculty Strategy (2021-2025)

        Teaching & Learning Strategy

        Research Strategy

        Quality Management Strategy

        Faculty Accreditation Plan


Quality and Assessment

        The quality management system is ensured by the Faculty's Quality Assurance Committee. A Quality Management Strategy has been defined and some procedures are already being implemented.

        The committee prepares an annual action plan to ensure the high quality of the entire educational and administrative process and to monitor and achieve the strategic and quality objectives, through clear Key Performance Indicators.

        A Quality Improvement Plan is available based on assessment activities through standard assessment forms (students, satisfaction, instructors, staff, ALUMNI).

        The Quality Assurance committee has organized the Faculty work through job descriptions, policies and procedures.

        Job Descriptions Master Record

        Policies & Procedures Master Record



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