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طلاب قسم اللغة الفرنسية وآدابها، كلية الآداب و العلوم الإنسانية، الفرع الثالث، ... وفيليب كلوديل .
نظمت الجمعية اللبنانية لمدرّسي اللغة الفرنسية ALEF بالتعاون مع السفارة الفرنسية في بيروت والإتحاد الدولي لأساتذة اللغة الفرنسية FIPF ، لقاءً ... (Read more...)

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Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences
Rules and Regulations

Chapter One: Faculty Mission & Vision


Article 1

The mission of the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences (FLSH) is to:

·       Enable all enrolled students to develop their educational, cognitive and scientific skills through highly specialized training;

·       Provide them with the scientific, methodological and technical bases that will enable them to integrate the public and private sectors as well as the fields of scientific research and literary and artistic creativity;

·       Contribute to the global and integrated development of Lebanese society;

·       Broaden the cultural openness of Lebanese society;

·       Extend scientific and cultural cooperation with the outside world.

In addition, FLSH is invited to:

·       Preserve and affirm the national cultural identity;

·       Promote the dissemination and development of cultural values;

·       Preserve and encourage cultural diversity;

·       Participate effectively in intercultural harmony and inter-civilizational dialogue;

·       Consider the transfer of cultural values, based on ethical considerations, as the common element of all pedagogical approaches.


Article 2

The Faculty aims to achieve the following objectives:

1.     Develop modern educational programs aimed at developing the personality and abilities of its students, enhance their participation in the knowledge acquisition process, and revise its programs every five years to update and improve them, where appropriate.

2.     Adapt the educational programs provided to the changing real needs of the labor market, and provide job opportunities for graduates by cooperating with departments and public and private institutions.

3.     Promote theoretical and practical research on social, cognitive, and cultural issues, and encourage Teaching Staff members and postgraduate students to perform and publish such research.

4.     Organize scientific seminars and symposia on human and community issues in the areas of specialization of the faculty, and participate in symposia organized by other parties.

5.     Offer scientific consultations and field studies for public and private administrations and institutions, in accordance with the regulations in force.

6.     Provide training to professionals in the public and private sectors in the areas of specialization of the faculty.


Chapter Two: Diplomas, Specializations, Departments & Centers


Article 3

The Faculty includes the following specializations:

First: Faculty Branches

1.     Arabic Language and Literature

2.     Persian Language and Literature

3.     French Language and Literature

4.     English Language and Literature

5.     History

6.     Geography

7.     Arts and Archeology

8.     Philosophy

9.     Psychology

Second: Center for Language Sciences and Communication

1.     Comparative Linguistics Engineering

2.     Computational Linguistics

3.     Language Industry and Teaching Practice

Third: Center for Languages and Translation

1.     Applied Living Languages

2.     Translation


Article 4

The Faculty grants the students in each specialization:

1.     A bachelor degree

2.     A Diploma

3.     A research and professional master degree


Article 5

The diploma consists of 60 credits spread over two semesters. The duration of preparation of the diploma is no less than one year and no more than two years.


Article 6

The bachelor degree includes the following specialized tracks:

1 - Arabic Language and Literature

a. Literature

b. Linguistics

2 - Persian Language and Literature

3 - French Language and Literature

a. Literature

b. Linguistics

4 - English Language and Literature

a. Literature

b. Linguistics

5 - History

6 - Geography

a. General Geography

b. Rehabilitation of the geographical area

7 - Arts and Archeology

8 - Philosophy:

a. General Philosophy

b. Philosophy and Political and Social Sciences

c. Philosophy, Information and Documentation

9 - Psychology

10 - Comparative Linguistics Engineering:

a. Language Learning Engineering Course

b. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

11 - Applied Living Languages:

a. Italian Language

b. Spanish Language

c. Chinese Language


Article 7

The curriculum of the professional master includes the following specialized tracks:

1- Arabic Language and Literature:

a. Specialized professional communication

2- French Language and Literature

a. Applied Linguistics

b. Cultural mediation

3- English Language and Literature

4- History:

a. Tourism and History

5- Geography:

a. Rehabilitation and organization of geographical area

b. Cartography

6- Arts and Archeology:

a. Museums and conservation techniques

7- Philosophy:

a. Philosophy, Information and Documentation

8- Psychology:

a. School Psychology (applied)

b. Clinical Psychology (applied)

c. Work Psychology (Applied)

9- Language Industry and Teaching Practice

10- Applied Living Languages:

a. International Commercial Negotiation

b. Arabic as a Foreign and Applied Language

11- Translation:

a. Specialized Translation

b. Interpretation


Article 8

The master research program includes the following specialized tracks:

1- Arabic Language and Literature:

a. Literature

b. Linguistics

2- French Language and Literature:

a. General Linguistics

b. Francophone and comparative literature

c. French literature

3- English Language and Literature:

a. Literature

b. Linguistics

4- History:

a. Ancient Civilizations

b. Medieval Civilizations

c. Modern and Contemporary Civilizations

5- Geography:

a. Human Geography

b. Natural Geography

6- Arts and Archeology:

a. Prehistoric Arts and Archeology

b. Oriental Arts and Archeology

c. Classical Arts and Archeology

d. Islamic and Christian Arts and Archeology

e. Fine Arts

f. Epigraphy

7- Philosophy:

a. General Philosophy

b. Philosophy and Political and Social Sciences

8- Psychology:

a. School Psychology

b. Clinical Psychology

c. Work Psychology

9- Applied Computational Linguistics

10- Applied Living Languages:

a. Intercultural Communication: Italian Studies

b. Intercultural Communication: Chinese Studies

c. Intercultural Communication: Spanish Studies

11- Translation:

a. Translation Studies


Article 9

The diploma course comprises the following specialized tracks:

1- Arabic Language and Literature:

a. Professional Communication

b. Designing Multimedia Educational Resources

c. Multimedia Resources for Translators

2- Persian Language and Literature:

a. Professional Communication in Tourism, Arts and Archeology

b. Professional Communication in Business and Economics

3- French Language and Literature:

a. Professional Communication

4- English Language and Literature:

a. Professional Communication

5- History:

a. Investigation and Editing

6- Geography:

a. Professional Communication and Geographical Documentation

7- Arts and Archeology

8- Philosophy:

a. Professional Communication

9- Psychology

10- Applied Living Languages:

a. Arabic as Foreign Language

b. Business Communication

11- Translation:

a. General Translation


Article 10

The University Council may, on the proposal of the Faculty Council, create or modify new specializations and tracks according to the needs of the labor market and the availability of the necessary logistical, material and academic capacities.

New tracks can only be created if the number of students enrolled is greater than 10, if applicable and after approval of the Faculty Council.


Article 11

The professional master's program includes a field study and / or a final year project or an internship in the area of specialization of the student, of at least 8 weeks (i.e. 250 hours of effective work at least), to be concluded with a thesis prepared by the student and equivalent to 30 credits.


Article 12

The master's research program includes a study conducted in the area of specialization of the student and concluded with a thesis prepared by the student and equivalent to 30 credits.


Article 13

In agreement with the institutions concerned by the internship referred to in Article 12, the Faculty determines the content of this internship as well as the duties of the internship supervisor and responsible for the internship process in the institution.

Supervising the internship is one of the duties of Teaching Staff members and is not considered within the teaching hours.


Article 14

The thesis subject is determined during the third semester after obtaining the agreement of a specialized committee appointed by decision of the Faculty Dean, and after approval of the Faculty Council. The thesis defense is only possible after successfully validating all the courses of the previous semesters.


Article 15

The University President appoints a Defense Jury to discuss theses, composed of three members, a supervisor and two rapporteurs, based on the proposal of the Dean. The Faculty Dean appoints the Chair of the Jury from one of the three members.

Prior to the defense date, the supervisor submits to the Dean a closed envelope containing a written report and proposing the score that he deems appropriate. The supervisor does not participate in the defense session and gives no opinion. His task is only limited to submitting the report to the dean.

The supervisor does not take part in the deliberation session, and only the score he proposed is taken into account in the calculation of the final score.


Article 16

In the Bachelor or Master degree, students may submit a request for transfer from one specialization to another or from one specialized track to another in accordance with the admission requirements of the specialization concerned. The transfer is subject to the approval of the Faculty Council after studying the academic file of each student, as well as to the availability of places in the new specialization or in the new track. Students shall submit their transfer request at least three weeks before the start of the semester. In case of approval, the student shall maintain the courses and the credits already obtained if they are compatible with the new specialization and he/she shall be exempted from some compulsory or optional courses based on the similarity or compliance. Courses that are not subject to exemption shall be considered as the free courses capable of exemption.


Article 17

Students holding a bachelor's degree, a diploma or a master's degree in one of the specialized tracks offered by the Faculty, may enroll in a second specialized track in order to obtain a second bachelor's degree, a diploma or a master's degree. The students shall maintain their rights to the common courses validated successfully. The Faculty Council determines the admission requirements and the courses required for each case, in accordance with the Faculty equivalence rules and degree concerned.


Article 18

The Faculty branches consist of the following academic departments:

1.     Arabic Language and Literature

2.     Persian Language and Literature

3.     French Language and Literature

4.     English Language and Literature

5.     History

6.     Geography

7.     Arts and Archeology

8.     Philosophy

9.     Psychology

In addition to the branches, the Faculty consists of two centers with the following academic departments:

10.  Center for Language Science and Communication

a. Department of Linguistics Engineering (Arabic, French and English)

b. Department of Applied Computational Linguistics

11.  Center for Languages and Translation (CLT)

a. Department of Applied Living Languages

b. Department of Translation


Chapter 3: Student Admission & Enrollment


To prepare for the Bachelor Degree:


Article 19

In order to be admitted to prepare the Bachelor degree, the student shall:

1.     Be holder of Lebanese Baccalaureate or its official equivalent;

2.     Sit for a Competitive Entrance Examination (CEE) for those wishing to join the CSLC and the CLT, in addition to the first item above. The CEE is organized by a decision of the University Council, on recommendation of the Faculty Council, and on proposal from both councils of the centers, specifying the number of students to be admitted to each specialization at the end of the examination.

3.     Sit for an aptitude test, in the languages of the targeted specialization, intended for students who wish to enroll in one of the linguistic specializations and who obtained a score of less than 10/20 in the language in question in the Lebanese Baccalaureate. To enroll for the Persian Language and Literature, students have to sit for an aptitude test in Arabic. The conditions of the test are determined by decision of the University Council and on recommendation of the Faculty Council.

Students holding a diploma equivalent to the Lebanese Baccalaureate are subject to an aptitude test in the targeted language specialization.


Article 20

The CEE of the CSLC consists of an oral interview and two written tests. Candidates may only take part in the written tests if the score obtained in the oral interview is greater than or equal to 10/20. The CEE consists of two tests, one in Arabic and the other in a foreign language (French or English), lasting two hours each. To pass the CEE, candidates must obtain a score of 12/20 or higher in each of the two tests.


Article 21

The CEE in Translation consists of written tests in Arabic, French, and English, lasting two hours each. In order to pass the CEE, candidates must obtain a score equal to or above 12/20 in the Arabic language and first foreign language tests, and 10/20 in the second foreign language test. The CEE in Applied Living Languages consists of one test in Arabic language, and another in a foreign language (French or English). To pass the CEE, candidates must obtain a general average of 10/20 or more in both tests.


Article 22

The admission requirements and the CEE tests of the CSLC and CLT may be modified by decision of the University Council, on the proposal of the Faculty Council, and on the recommendation of the councils of the two centers.


Article 23

Candidates are admitted according to their order of ranking in the CEE to the CSLC and CLT, and within the limits referred to in Article 19.


Article 24

Candidates admitted to the CSLC and the CLT must complete their registration within two weeks of the date of posting the CEE results within the Faculty, under penalty of losing their registration right and being replaced by another candidate in accordance with the above ranking order.


Article 25

Students holding a degree in one of the Faculty specializations have the right to enroll for the Bachelor degree in CSLC and CLT provided they pass the CEE. Students who pass the CEE are exempted from the entire free courses and from those compatible with the new specialization, on condition that the number of exempted credits does not exceed 40% of the total Bachelor credits.


Article 26

The updated courses in the Bachelor, Diploma or Master programs are determined at the beginning of each year by decision of the Faculty Council.


To prepare for the Diploma


Article 27

Students wishing to enroll for the Diploma must hold a Bachelor degree according to the BMD system or the Teaching Bachelor degree according to the previous system (4 years) of the Lebanese University in the specialization suitable for the targeted degree. The Faculty students who had obtained a bachelor's degree according to the previous system (4 years) are exempted from certain credits based on similarity and conformity (20 credits maximum).


Article 28

Students from other universities who wish to enroll for the Diploma must have obtained an average of 11/20 or higher in the Bachelor's degree and passed the CEE organized at the Faculty Deanship. The CEE consists of two tests in general culture relating to the student specialization in Arabic language and the other in the foreign language. The duration of each test is two hours.


Article 29

At the CLT, students can enroll for the Diploma according to their specialization in the Bachelor degree. Students graduating from other universities and wishing to enroll for the Diploma must, in addition to obtaining a Bachelor degree, pass the CEE with an overall average greater than or equal to 11/20, on condition that no score is less than 10/20. The CEE subjects with equal coefficient are determined as follows:


1- Diploma in General Translation

·       General Translation from Language A to Language B

·       General Translation from Language A to Language C

·       General Translation from Language B to Language A

·       General Translation from Language C to Language A

2- Diploma in Foreign Arabic Language

·       Arabic language for non-holders of a Bachelor in Arabic language

·       French or English languages for all students registering for the Diploma

3- Diploma in Business Communication

·       Text synthesis of general culture in Arabic language

·       Text synthesis of text of general culture in French language

·       Text synthesis of general culture in English language


Article 30

Students of the BMD system who wish to enroll in a professional or research master degree in the appropriate specialization or specialization of the master concerned shall be holder of a Bachelor in accordance with the Faculty new teaching system based on the score scale following the credit system.

The University Council determines, at the proposal of the Faculty Council, at the beginning of each academic year, the approved score for the admission of the students to the professional or research master degree.

Students admitted according to the score scale adopted in the year of graduation, who did not register in the same year, shall retain their registration right for a period of two years. In case of non-respect of the deadline, students shall be subject to the score scale adopted during the year of registration.

Students of the previous system (4 years), who wish to enroll for the master degree in the appropriate specialization or specialization of the master concerned, shall be holder of a bachelor degree from the Faculty former system with a cumulated average (CGPA) greater than or equal to 12/20 to prepare for the research master degree, or 11/20 to prepare for the professional master degree.


Article 31

CLT special conditions:

Students wishing to enroll for the master degree in Translation must:

1- Be holder of a Bachelor in Translation from the CLT with an overall average of not less than 12/20; or

2- Be holder of a Bachelor in Applied Living Languages from the CLT or Bachelor from outside the center with an overall average of not less than 12/20; on condition to pass the CEE in the following subjects with the equivalent coefficient:

·       General Translation from Language A to Language B

·       General Translation from Language A to Language C

·       General Translation from Language B to Language A

·       General Translation from Language C to Language A

To be admitted to the Master of Research in Translation Studies, students must obtain an overall average greater than or equal to 12/20 in the CEE, and a score greater than or equal to 10/20 in each of the subjects.


Students wishing to enroll for a research master's degree in Intercultural Communication must:

1- Be holder of a Bachelor in Applied Living Languages from the center with an overall average of not less than 12/20; or a Bachelor in Translation from the center with an overall average of not less than 12/20, on condition of obtaining Level C1 in the Foreign Language A;

2- For students from outside the center: be holder of a Bachelor degree with an overall average of not less than 12/20, on condition of passing the CEE in the following subjects with the same coefficient:

·       Arabic Language

·       Foreign Language A

To be admitted to the Master in Intercultural Communication, students must obtain an overall average of 12/20 or higher in the CEE, and a grade of 10/20 or more in each of the subjects.


Students wishing to enroll for a professional master's degree in Specialized Translation must:

1- Be holder of a Bachelor in Translation from the center with an overall average of not less than 11/20; or

2- Be holder of a Bachelor in Applied Foreign Living Languages from the center or from other institutions with an overall average of not less than 11/20 and on condition of passing the CEE in the following subjects with the same coefficient:

·       General Translation from Language A to Language B

·       General Translation from Language A to Language C

·       General Translation from Language B to Language A

·       General Translation from Language C to Language A

To be admitted to this master, students must obtain an overall average greater than or equal to 11/20 in the CEE, and a score greater than or equal to 10/20 in each of the subjects.


Students wishing to enroll for a professional master's degree in Interpretation must:

1- Be holder of a Bachelor in Translation or Applied Living Languages from the center or other institutions with an overall average of not less than 11/20 and on condition of passing the oral examination before an Examination Board.

To be admitted to this master, students must obtain an overall average greater than or equal to 11/20 in the oral entrance examination before the Examination Board.


Students wishing to enroll for a professional master's degree in International Commercial Negotiation must:

1- Be holder of a Bachelor from the center with an overall average of not less than 11/20; or

2- Be holder of a Bachelor from outside the center with an overall average of not less than 11/20 and on condition on passing the CEE in the following subjects with the same coefficient:

·       Text synthesis of general culture in Arabic language

·       Text synthesis of text of general culture in French language

·       Text synthesis of general culture in English language

To be admitted to this master, students must obtain an overall average greater than or equal to 11/20 in the CEE, and a score greater than or equal to 10/20 in each of the subjects.


Students wishing to enroll for a professional master's degree in Arabic as a Foreign and Applied Language must:

1- Be holder of a Bachelor from the center with an overall average of not less than 11/20; or

2- Be holder of a Bachelor from outside the center with an overall average of not less than 11/20 and on condition on passing the CEE in the following subjects with the same coefficient:

·       Arabic language for non-holders of a Bachelor in Arabic language

·       French or English languages for all students registering for the Master

To be admitted to this master, students must obtain an overall average greater than or equal to 11/20 in the CEE in the “Arabic language for non-holders of a Bachelor in Arabic language”, and a score greater than or equal to 10/20 in the first foreign language.


Article 32

In the professional or research master, except for the CLT, the Faculty is entitled to welcome students from:

1- Graduates of other faculties of the Lebanese University on condition of:

·       Holding a BMD-compliant Bachelor or a 4-year Bachelor degree with a cumulative average (CGPA) greater than or equal to 12/20 in the appropriate specialization or specialization of the concerned master.

·       Studying the file containing the curriculum vitae and the professional experience by a Committee composed of the heads of the specialization departments and the coordinator of the competent Equivalence Committee.

·       Passing the CEE organized by decision of the University Council on proposal of the Faculty Council.

2- Graduates of other universities on condition of:

·       Holding a Bachelor degree from a university recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and its equivalence in accordance with the regulations in force.

·       Obtaining a cumulative average greater than or equal to 12/20 in the appropriate specialization or specialization of the concerned master.

·       Studying the file containing the curriculum vitae and the professional experience by a Committee composed of the heads of the specialization departments and the coordinator of the competent Equivalence Committee.

·       Passing the CEE organized by decision of the University Council on proposal of the Faculty Council, on condition that their percentage does not exceed 10% of the total number of students admitted (except for the CSLC and CLT).


Article 33

Students wishing to enroll for the master degree shall pass a CEE organized at the Faculty Deanship in the following way:

The CEE consists of two general-culture tests, one in Arabic and the other in a foreign language, two hours each for all specializations offered by the Faculty, with the exception of the CLT.

The CEE of the CSLC consists of two general-culture tests, one in language and computer science and the other in modern teaching methods.

Students whose general average of the two tests is equal to 11/20 are admitted, and those whose general average of the two tests is less than 11/20 are admitted to the Diploma.


Article 34

Students of the Faculty holding a bachelor degree according to the previous system (4 years) and admitted to master degree are exempted from certain credits based on the rules of similarity and conformity (a maximum of 30 credits of three semesters).

Students holding a Teaching Bachelor Degree in Translation from the CLT in accordance with the previous system (4 years) are also exempted. They shall have the right to enroll in the second year of the professional Master degree in Specialized Translation or research Master in Translation Studies, since they validated the specialization courses and obtained an overall average of 12/20 or above, which was condition of success in the Teaching Bachelor Degree under the previous system.


Article 35

Students of the Faculty, who validated the first year of the graduate diploma (previous system) shall have the right to enroll in the second year of the master degree in the same specialization and track, and continue their studies in three courses of the third semester and their thesis of the fourth semester. The equivalence of the first year courses and the remaining courses of the third semester of the second year is applied thereto.


Chapter Four: Registration & Attendance System


Article 37

Students shall make two types of registration:

·       Administrative registration at the beginning of the academic year.

·       Academic registration within ten working days from the beginning of each semester, and which allows them to specify their courses for the semester with the help of the professors designated for this purpose.


Article 38

Attendance of students is compulsory for practical works (TD) and tutorials (TP) in the bachelor, diploma and master degrees, in all courses and specializations. If the attendance of students in the practical works (TD) and tutorials (TP) is less than 60% of the total number of hours allocated thereto (80% at the CLT and CSLC), students are deprived of the final exam of both sessions, unless they submit cases of force majeure (death of a family member, emergency hospitalization, etc.) approved by the Faculty Council on the proposal of the Branch or Center Council.


Article 39

Students must complete their academic registration within the ten days preceding the beginning of each semester in Bachelor, Diploma and Master Degrees.


Article 40

Students shall have the right to revise their academic registration within ten days, at the latest, from the beginning of the semester and to cancel their enrollment in some courses within one month, at the latest, after the beginning of the semester.


Article 41

Students who have acquired at least 36 credits by validation and/or exemption from the courses may register administratively in the second year of the Bachelor. Students who have acquired at least 96 credits by validation and/or exemption from the courses may register administratively in the third year of the Bachelor.


Article 42

From the third semester, students of all specializations are entitled to enroll academically in courses whose total number of credits does not exceed 36 credits provided they register, first in the courses in which they failed or were absent. At the time of the academic registration, the students specify the courses to which they wish to register, in compliance with the pre-requisite rule. Students are not eligible to apply to the course concerned by this rule unless they have validated the previous course at the first or second sessions.


Article 43

Students admitted to the bachelor, diploma or master degree; having studied at one of the Lebanese University faculties or other universities, have the right to apply for equivalence of the courses they previously validated. This request is based on the equivalency system identifying the terms for recognition of credits received outside the Faculty and issued by the Faculty Dean, on condition that it does not contradict with the general equivalency system at the Lebanese University. The number of credits that can be transferred shall not exceed (75) credits in the bachelor degree, (15) credits in the diploma and (25) credits in the master degree, in accordance with the system of credits adopted at the Lebanese University.


Chapter Five: Evaluation and Examination System


Article 44

The courses of each semester are subject to continuous evaluation and final semester examinations. The maximum duration of the course final exam is two hours.


Article 45

The final examinations of each course take place at the end of the semester. Students who have failed or who have been absent during the first session shall benefit from a second session determined by decision of the Faculty Council.


Article 46

Academic registration is compulsory in order to sit for the exams of the first and second sessions of each semester.


Article 47

The final score of the course for a final written examination, in the bachelor and diploma, consists of the total of the continuous evaluation score (30%) and the final examination score (70%). In the master's degree, the final score consists of the total of the continuous evaluation score (40%) and the final examination score (60%).

At the CLT and CSLC, the final score consists of the total of the continuous evaluation score (35%) and the final examination score (65%).


Article 48

In the Bachelor, Diploma and Master's degree, the continuous evaluation takes into account a compulsory partial examination for all students. In the Bachelor and Diploma, the partial exam lasts one hour, and one and a half hour in the master's degree. Continuous evaluation consists of other evaluation methods such as written tests, reports, research and tutorials, on condition that the number of activities subject to continuous evaluation in each course is greater than two per semester.

Supervision of the course partial examination is carried out by the professor in a classroom under the supervision of the Head of Department and the Branch Director. The score of the partial examination represents two thirds of the score of the continuous evaluation in the bachelor and diploma and half the score in the master’s degree. The evaluation copies are kept in the file of each student within the department concerned.

At the CLT and CSLC, the duration of the partial examination shall not be less than one and a half hours given the requirements of the specializations. The final score is divided into 20% for the partial examination and 15% for the tutorials done by the students during the semester. This distribution remains in force in master's degree.


Article 49

Students, who do not validate one or more courses during the exams of the first session, shall maintain the score obtained during the continuous evaluation for the second session only. In the event of non-validation or absence from the examinations of the second session, the students will not be able to benefit from the score obtained during the continuous evaluation of the following academic year.


Article 50

The rating scale shall be applied according to the credit regulations to determine the ranking of students in the courses in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of Decree 2225 of 11/6/2009.


Article 51

The late student is not entitled to enter the examination room if the delay exceeds 15 minutes. No student is allowed to leave the examination room before half the examination time has elapsed.


Article 52

Any student caught cheating or attempting to cheat in a course shall be deprived of all the courses of the session, subject to the provisions of the laws in force.


Article 53

The student has the right to submit an application to prove that there is no material error in a course score, within a week at most from the date of announcing the result of this course. The examining committee shall inspect the student exam under the supervision of the Branch Director and the head of the concerned department. If there is a material error, the score shall be amended by consensus of the attendees and their signature on a relevant Minutes of Meeting.


Article 54

The student, who did not sit for the final exam of a course in the first session, receives a zero regardless of the excuses and reasons. If the student does not sit for this exam in the second session for reasons of coercion or force majeure (death of a family member, hospitalization…), a re-sit exam may be held by a decision of the University President following the proposal of the Faculty Council on the recommendation of the Branch Council.


Chapter Six: General Provisions



Article 55

In each of the Faculty branches, academic orientation committees are formed. These committees consist of the directors of academic departments and councils of departments assisted by a member of the committee and professors attached to the department. Each professor shall be in charge of the academic orientation of a specific group of students to ensure a better application of curriculums and regulations in terms of administrative and academic aspects.

This committee is responsible for guiding students, organizing internal seminars at the beginning of each semester to introduce them to the BMD system and specializations compatible with the job market, and submitting a report thereof to the Dean at the end of each semester.

The academic orientation is part of the duties of Teaching Staff members and shall not be considered as part of their teaching hours.


Article 56

Each of the Faculty Branches shall have an "office" attached to the department concerned, where appropriate consultation is required depending on the specialization of each department.


Article 57

Students may request transfer from one branch to another within the Faculty by decision of the Dean provided that:

They submit a request for transfer within a maximum of 15 days from the beginning of the semester, with the exception of CLT and CSLC.

They have validated at least half of the credits required to obtain the degree concerned.

They obtain the approval of the two directors of the branches concerned and the dean after studying their academic files.


Article 58

Theoretical courses are taught in one class, while the tutorials (TP) and practical works (TD) are provided in classes of 50 students (25 students at the CLT), allowing the professor to observe and follow up the work of the students.

If the number of students enrolled academically in an optional course is less than 10, the course in question is canceled. Thus, students shall choose another optional course.


Article 59

The Bachelor, diploma and master's degree programs are defined in accordance with the attached Tables (1), (2) and (3), and modified on the proposal of the Faculty Council after approval of the University Council.


Article 60

These bylaws shall be applicable immediately upon its issuance.


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