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Faculté de Pharmacie
Academics - Curriculum
Academic Program Specificities

The Faculty of Pharmacy offers Undergraduate & Postgraduate Education opportunities, according to the following Programs Algorithm.

·       A Five-year Doctor of Pharmacy Practice program

·       A sixth year degree post-graduation:

·       A Pharm D degree (Clinical, Hospital or Community Pharmacy options)

·       A Professional Master (Clinical Pharmacy, Industrial, or Cosmetology)

·       A Pharmaceutical Master of Business & Administration (MBA)

·       A Research Master (Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmaco-Epidemiology, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Biotechnology)

·       A PhD related to any of the Masters’ specialties is potentially possible, in collaboration with the Doctoral School of Sciences & technology at the Lebanese University [https://www.ul.edu.lb/faculte/branches.aspx?facultyId=23&lang=3 ]


Doctor of Pharmacy Practice (DPP) details

Undergraduate program to become a pharmacist [Program Specification Pharmacy DPP]; immediate access to work on the Lebanese Market. It includes 12 months of practice in pharmaceutical institutions, as recommended by the Lebanese Order of Pharmacists [Training Experience Specification Pharmacy DPP].

In Supplement of the pre-cited Degree: an equivalence of Master 1 in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a certificate specifying the selected option of pharmacy curriculum, listing the acquired competencies in one of the following fields (optional tracks*):

1- Community Pharmacy

2- Hospital Pharmacy

3- Pharmaceutical industry

4- Pharmaceutical Management

5- Clinical Pharmacy

6- Research (Clinical or others)

7- General Option (no specific choice)


*Change of option is possible along the way, but with validation of specific courses

**Changing the option between DPP and post-graduate studies is possible, but no further priority is given during file selection.


Post-Graduate Education Details. This additional year is optional, as a post-graduate education (only pharmacists can access these programs).

1- Community Pharmacy Pharm D [Program Specification PharmD Community]: 1 month of courses and 8 months of community practice [Training Experience Specification PharmD Community]

2- Hospital Pharmacy Pharm D [Program Specification PharmD Hospital]: 1 month of courses and 8 months of hospital pharmacy practice [Training Experience Specification PharmD Hospital]

3- Professional Master and/or Clinical Pharm D [Program Specification PharmD Clinical]: 4 months of courses and 8 months of clinical practice [Training Experience Specification PharmD Clinical]

4- Professional Master in Pharmaceutical Industry: 4 months of courses and 4-6 months of industrial practice; in co-diplomation with the Faculty of Sciences of the Lebanese University

5- Pharmaceutical Master Business Administration (MBA): 4 months of courses and 4-6 months of practice in a company

6- Professional Master in Cosmetology & Industrial Dermopharmacy : 6 months of courses and 4 months of cosmetology practice ; in co-diplomation with the Faculty of Pharmacy of Saint Joseph University

7- Research Master in Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmaco- epidemiology : 4 months of courses and 4-6 months of practice in the Laboratory of Clinical & Epidemiological Research (LCER), or other certified laboratories

8- Research Master in Pharmacology & toxicology: 4 months of courses and 4-6 months of practice in a certified laboratory

9- Research Master in Pharmaceutical biotechnology: 4 months of courses and 4-6 months of practice in a certified laboratory


* The student can present to 3 possible post-graduate programs, with specification of the order of priority. A pre-graduate option within the same field is a priority feature during selection. **All options are open to english and french speaking students.



·       Academics include instructors and researchers

·       There are 80 instructors, of which 53/80 (66%) are women. In addition, 60 (75%) have a PhD, 5 (6.25%) are specialized doctors, and the others have diverse degrees (Masters, engineers or pharmacists).

·       Among instructors, 15 are full-time / tenured in the faculty of pharmacy, 8 are full-time / tenured from other faculties, and 57 part-timers (instructors and preceptors).

·       They teach according to the Teaching & Learning strategy, based on modern pharmacy competency frameworks

·       Lists of Instructors:

o   Instructors and Preceptors for Pharm D

o   Instructors of Basic Sciences Department

o   Instructors of the Clinical Pharmacy Department

o   Instructors of the Drug Sciences Department

o   Instructors of the Masters & Research Departments

o   Instructors of the Professional Practice Department


Creation of working committees for Accreditation 2021

A decision was taken at the level of the faculty council (January 2021) to create / reactivate specialized committees, aiming at an efficient / effective management of the various strategic aspects and the implementation of the strategic objectives of the Faculty. The following committees had specific Terms of Reference; their members were assigned:

1- Academic Strategy Committee: it is now the Accreditation Steering Committee

2- Teaching and Learning Committee

3- Research Committee

4- Training Committee

5- Student Committee

6- Quality Assurance Committee


The work will be done on two consecutive stages

Stage 1 (January 2021-July 2021): As accreditation is a priority, the roles of the committees are detailed in an action plan related to accreditation.

Step 2 (From September 2021): An implementation plan for the rest of the activities will be drawn up thereafter, to finalize the unfinished activities, improve the weak points found during the self-assessment and take into account any comments. of HCERES. This will constitute the Quality Improvement Plan.

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